Sunday, 7 August 2011


Who wants to make a few Quid.. put your unwanted Journals on Ebay one went today for 30 quid and another for 10 Quid
regards derek leese


  1. i am still in the market for a few journals missing from my collection pity i have both of the ones sold today on ebay
    regards derek leese

  2. Derek,I have one dated June 1956.

    Regards Keith Shaw.

  3. Keith the one you have went for 30 quid i have one but is not in good condition i will replace it if one comes up on ebay
    regards derek leese

  4. Thanks for telling me that, I will keep it till I'm in need of cash.
    Regards Keith Shaw.

  5. Derek -- What item No. or page no. on E-bay are the sale of Journals. ??
    All I can find are KOYLI Journals. (The Bugle)
    Regards Doug.

  6. Doug if you go into ebay and type in 1st the royal dragoons, if there are any journals they will come up on that page. you can also try The royal dragoons. at the moment there are none for sale
    regards derek

  7. That is sacrilege, selling them on e-bay. Why not try selling them on here or the other 1RD site. I'm sure there are older members who would like to get hold of some.

  8. Can't believe any Royal will sell his copies(unless he has two of any issue)But I agree,anyone with copies to spare will surely find a welcome home here!

  9. Tried to buy 1968 one on E-Bay but was out bid if i had known a member was bidding i would not have good idea to try and sell here first

  10. Closing down for a week,back on the air about 25th good,and if you can't then remember the date!
    Best wishes from


  11. I know this is a bit late but when I was PMC of the mess in Windsor I looked in one of the bins outside the mess and discovered to my horror The Royal Dragoon Journals from 1899 through 1914 with the Kaiser christmas msg to his regiment.Being a good Royal I removed the said items from the bin and spent a few days cleaning them.I then in the meantime went to the property room and found the first 1934 issue of the resurrected magazine, checking that it was not in the property book I took that one into safe custody. Suffice to say the statute of limitations has now passed and anyway possesion is 9/10 th of the law.

  12. how lucky can you be..they should have binned all the RHG,s
    regards derek leese

  13. Must be worth a fortune!!!!!

  14. These will never be sold, I intend to place in the Imperial War Museum when I die with a caveat
    that they remain there


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