Monday, 6 September 2010

Artical sent in by Dougie

I have tried to enlarge photo so not sure how it will look


  1. It does not seem to be very good to copy but it is the best that I could do Dougie.

  2. If you save the image as a separate file and then reproduce in a photo editing program you can just about read the entire article. That is how I managed to read it.

  3. I enlarged the press cutting prior to sending (full screen size) but when transmitted to John it reduced.
    The article is from a Roger Beard (ex REME) served with A Sqn Royals in Detmold He is looking for his mate Fred "Geordie" Cartledge also ex - REME . Fred was a good footballer and played for

    the Army.
    Also looking for Taff Doyle, John Gallager and Sgt. Pete "POP" Hollis all REME with A Sqn. Royals in Detmold.
    Regards Doug.

  4. I saw that article in the Daily Mail as well Dougie and also cut it out. I also got in touch with Monica Porter who runs that feature each week, she is on holiday and will be getting in touch when she gets back. She has my e-mail and telephone number so with a bit of luck Roger will get in touch.Roger Beard was attached to the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment, Hobart Barracks, Detmold 1961- 63 from there he went to Catterrick in 1962 and then moved to Tidworth attached to 'A' Sqn Royals in 1963.He returned to Detmold with the Regiment and stayed with 'A' Sqn. I have found him and Sgt.Hollkis in the 1963-65 Journals but not the other two. I hope that he will get in touch, I lgave my contact details with Monica, and hopefully we can get him onto both BB's and may be able to reunite him with with some old friends.

  5. Got a reply from Monica Porter with Rogers particulars, have e-mailed him about both sites, just waiting for a response.

  6. I am intouch with NICK DOYLE .i have asked him for his e mail address so that i can invite him into the BB

  7. Thank you gentlemen for all your interest. Terry, I'm already a member of both sites that you mentioned, I'm detmold63 on this site and plain detmold on eagle105 site. I have just returned from holiday to find several e-mails relating to that press cutting and have been informed by the Daily Mail that a letter is being forwarded to me. Through this site I have managed to get in contact with Ray Borley, Fred Collingwood, Nigel Reed and others so thank you for all your hard work in keeping this site going. Regards Roger

  8. Just goes to show Roger, that having names instead of nicknames helps ID people. Glad you are a member of both sites.


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