Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Royal Dragoon.mov


  1. I think you might have a problem getting in through the drivers front hatch now. It seems to have shrunk in the rain!!

  2. "Prepare to advance"Left hand down a bit - no I mean right hand down,oh blast - off you go.Hope thats not engine oil leaking out?Great bit of kit,if I lived a bit closer just the job in the rush hour,immaculate,well done.

  3. SOP's state that you are not allowed to travel without a cmdr You know the rules!!

  4. On the Test drive she ran great. I did a complete walk around, Floor of engine compartment Dry! I was told she had not been started up for about 4 wks. A little choke she started 1st time. As you can see had a little trouble getting in through the top hatch, I forgot to put the commanders back flap down, plus with the .30 fitted, slight tummy in way?. Once seated it all came back to me and as I selected 2nd gear and moved off, my thoughts where of all of you guys singing (IF YOU COULD SEE ME NOW). Once I get the Ferret back up to Massachusetts, I have 7 wks to get her cleaned, painted, complete service, Safety check Brakes. Ready for her first public parade. 16th April. It is my intention to produce a scroll of all past & present, all rank & file members of Royals Recce Troop over the years. And when published carry it in the ferret?
    So dig out you Journals, I may be calling upon you for help in the endeavour.



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