Monday, 20 April 2009

Gosport WAR memorial hospital


It has now emerged that the hospital

deliberately administered overdoses of

bio morphine (heroin) to hasten the death

of at least 5 elderly patients,  there could

be many more. So If you don't catch MRSA etc

or become a junkie

what chance have we got,of walking out healthy.



Paddy  H



  1. Jack Straw's "Secret Coroner's Court" Inquests should solve this problem Paddy!

    What with Secret trials (Family courts) more and more Police mis-information I blame it all on Mr Gorbachef.

    Better to have keep the Berlin wall up if only to keep Communism out of this country.

    Well, at least they weren't waterboarded ...........or were they Paddy?

    Happy St Georges Day!


    PS. No relation to "Paddy Winders" of Wesendorf fame by any chance?

  2. Good article in the Dailymail today Paddy, the comments section imparticular!

    Also, I liked what david Cameron said in his budget speach today:

    "a government of the living dead"

    I wonder what "mam" thinks of all this?

  3. Happy St George day Stan,
    Good Health
    D"ont want to get into polictics as Ithink that subject
    is best kept indoors
    (Ref "PW" no relation)

    Paddy H

  4. Coming back to the original subject I would hand these creatures over to the Medical Research to find out what makes them do these evil things,and save a few innocent animal lives in the process!
    While I'm on here I'm off to my Island in the sun tomorrow,Reveille 0500hrs,arrive Norden 1100hrs,board boat 1130hrs,disembark 1320hrs Juist.Hope they have kept my "105" beach basket for me as promised.Back about 4th May,so keep well and behave yourselves,its getting near that magic date in June!!!!

  5. Enjoy yourself Don safe journey.


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