Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Ginger (scouse) Dickinson.

Does anyone remember Ginger Dickenson?  He could be seen and heard every night making his way back to his tent from the NAAFI in Fanara with a belly full of Stella, with a loud rendering of Maggie May. He was in B sqn. He had a turn in his eye and claimed to be a Scouser. In fact he was from Leeds but lived in Liverpool before joining the Royals.When we were in Germany i happened to go on leave the same time as him.Going back off leave i bumped into him at Liverpool Lime St station.By the time we got to Euston stn ( 5 hrs ) we were well oiled. We were in Euston half an hour before we realised we were there. Walking along the platform we spotted the steam engine.Fancy driving this back to liverpool says he, ok says i. After shoveling coal and pulling the whistle and making a terrble noise the MPs arrived and carted us away, spent the night locked up, dont know what happened to Dicko. Got back to Wesendorf a day late and up on COs. I made up a cock and bull story and got away with it.   Mike pugh.


  1. I remember as a "wooley bear" going back from leave and losing my beret,was I sweating when I arrived at Liverpool St Station.Picked up straight away by the CRMP,to my surprise issued with a beret without cap badge and told not to get off the train till journeys end.

  2. I remember Ginger very well but lost contact with him years ago

  3. Don, enlighten me, what on earth is a "wooley bear". Mike Pugh.

  4. Hi Mike - sounds about right for the Royals !!! always in trouble and getting kicked out of places ! I was in Fanara from 52- HQ Sqdr. RHQ Troop. and went to Wesendorf like yourself. From Wesendorf got transferred to 1 Corp Signal Regt. Herford, as Gen.Harding's command vehicle driver. Returned to Wesendorf just as the Regt. was getting ready to go back to the Canal Zone - 1st lot of trouble, but was due for demob. so got sent back to U.K. We have probably come across each other somewhere along the line. Best regards, Ken Hartley.

  5. Mike,
    We used to term "rookies" wooly bears once upon a time!

  6. ken, please ring my number if you can 0151 639 8574.so i can put you in the picture so to speak. If not email me on linda@lindapugh.wanadoo.co.uk Mike Pugh.


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