Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Don and Edith

Hi all,
       Thought I'd let you know what we look like these days.
Attachment: Don and Edith.jpg


  1. Very nice photo Don, and to see that both of you are looking so well.   John  (atco 13581)

  2. Great photo Don wished i looked half as good as you,i wud be a happy chappy

  3. Derek,          You should have seen me an hour ago when I was up the cherry tree trying to get a share before the pidgeons had 'em all.Ediths a maniac for eating 'em,if I picked a bucket they'd be gone in a day! Its thundering now,to all I'm off to Bayern tomorrow till Tuesday so you'll have a quiet spell without me butting in.Will try and get a few piccies when I'm not sampling HB in 2 litre glasses served up by one of those buxem wenches,like the weisswurst and haxen too - got a bit of weight off in preparation!!!! Till next week Don.

  4. Youve allways been known to chat up a girl WITHIN  TENT     Nice picture Edith,whos the old fella with you?

  5. Thats an old Royal 1947 vintage,like old wine improves with age. --- Don

  6. Im as good looking as you Don but had to stick my teeth in with in with superglue.

  7. And HOW are you gonna get 'em out again???? --- Don

  8. Denis whats that all about???????????????


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