Thursday, 21 May 2009

neesoon cpls mess A sqdn

can anyone name these two


  1. Mess seems empty to me Dennis, they're probably all down the massage parlor!

    Any chance of enlarging the photo? try using a higher resoloution?

  2. Just looking through the old photos and spotted the one of the corporals mess at Nee Soon posted by Denis Sowerby in May 09. If that's an old poster of Julie London on the back wall then the handsome bloke on the left is me (Pete Winfield SHQ Troop). I'm wracking my brain trying to remember my drinking buddy's name (Give it a week or two!!!)

  3. PETE i am the one on your left GEORDIE SOWERBY we were both there when we had to hand over to Bsqdn we had a blue shell above the bar..and we had a big cocktail with anything left in the bottles went into a bowl

  4. Remember cpl HARDING and his girl friend regular members


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