Friday, 20 March 2009

Royals in 59/60

A couple of photo's of our time in Sharjah & Aden.

Ted Ayles mined Ferret & 5th Troop


  1. Names for Derek, J Atkins, J Hornblow, T Kerr, T Wort, S Jones, D Simes, A Webster,

    R Parker, J Aitchison, F Welford

  2. fr

    om eddier i think the mined ferret was eddie corcorans coming back from muscat

  3. That ferret was Ted Ayles and Keightley's, Eddie Corcoran's was later Eddie

  4. I see Ted regulary,we were teenagers together,told me he still gets an headache every time he looks at the photo!!! for those that have'nt seen him from those far off A/Sqn days in Sharjah and later with me in B/Sqn in Malaya ansd Singapore he will be attending the Reunion on the 20/21st

  5. Eddie Corcoran was in a DAC and had his front wheel blown off i was with him at the time

  6. Fred It will be great to see Ted again, Ted Wort and Jim Aitchison are also coming to the reunion in June so there will be a fair contingent of Asqn from 59/61 that I served with, should be a good week-end.


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