Thursday, 3 May 2012

Some ex Royals Down under.

(!) Tony Boon, Nigel(Sack) Reed (2) Tony, Nigel, Brien Grumps) (3) Tony ,Nigel, Fred(Spud) Murphy.


  1. Is that ex MT Troop Spud Murphy?

    Dave 118

  2. Tiffy, I dont know if Spud was in M.T ,

  3. When I joined the regiment in June 65 (transferring from 10 Coy RASC ) Bob Sproats took me to MT Tp lines to find me a bed space and a Spud Murphy was about to go on leave and said I could take his as he wouldn't be back for a couple of months. He was a big b....r too.

  4. If you were in MT Troop you must have known Peter the Kraut and Blondie Parsons ??

  5. Yes I did know blondie and Jock O Kane & Paddy Curran I shared a room with Big Billy Allison (ex 17/21st Lancer) he was a really great bloke he run HQ Sqn's bar (Hotel Quebec). Norman Thorpe was my Tp SSGT. Peter the Kraut tho' is a new one on me

  6. Just remembered Joe Bosher was the troop 3 bar. Capt Kieghley was MTO followed by Capt Fingers Fletcher and then Capt Edwards.

    Dave 118


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