Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Best Dongle ?

Getting fed up with Virgin  for broadband the cost is crazy,so I am thinking of getting a on off payment dongle,anyone uses one..need revues please.


  1. Here in Northern CyprusDongles are used quite extensivly, the internet can be intermittent. It may be different in the UK butpay ment is fora particularamount of use and a stated time periodanything not used within the time and type agreement is forfieted.the big advantage is you can use a dongleanywhere and on any setupcomputer.Sorry about non spaces between wordsI'm having problems with my machine.

  2. Using Dongles can work out expensive, depending upon which network you choose. The only thing I can suggest is that you do a lot of research into the various options to see what you can find out. If you want to use solely in the UK you shouldn't have too many problems, travelling in Europe could be a problem. I presume you want a dongle to use on a lap-top not a desk top model !!

  3. Never let your do-das - dongle in the dust!

    PS - never heard of 'em!!!!

  4. "The heat of the tweet is proportional to the angle of the dongle???"

  5. Same here,thinking of getting the top one lasts roughly 12 months depending on use,then just get another that way is much cheaper than topping up.


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