Thursday, 21 June 2012

Compo, the food of Plenty.......

In Recce Troop we always carried plenty of Curry powder, it gave any meal that extra Taste & Warmth on a cold night..........


  1. Derek used to be a pervayer of compo 1x 7 one man seven days 7x 1 day A+B packs for the officers
    C+D senior ranks who do think had the rest yea and chimney Harris was the Boy for a bit of a change

  2. And Dixie made sure he got the packs with the corned beef - the dogs would not eat the muttton scotch style!And when you were wet,cold,and hungry,that mess tin,filled with steaming irish stew,went down a treat.And getting back to barracks that mess tin had to be bulled up again for bed layout,ah yes,happy days!

    PS - why did the tins of cake always find there way into the toilet pit?

  3. I don't remember our compo being as goo as this.

  4. Don, I think you better explain re the dogs to some of our younger readers lol ,

  5. Don't understand really. Where is my first light commanders seat sandwich of processed cheese and jam. Open tin of cheese both ends. Push some out with one lid and cut off two slices withe the other lid! Jam to taste.
    Can taste it now!

  6. What a disgusting thought... I can remember Chalkey White eating Mut & Jeff with canned peaches and evaporated milk all in the same mess tin. Yuk !!.

  7. Got that Fred - well,Dixie Lewis the QM had two boxers(dogs),Major and Minor,they usually fed on the cats in Camp,but out on exercise they would only eat corned beef(bully)So being the QM - where do you think the packs with the bully went?I do remember in Egypt I was standing in as Dixies driver,and one night out in the desert I hit the railway track doing about 50MPH,both dogs left the vehicle,and I somwhow got clobbered for guard duties every other night during the exercise!Don't think I'm running down our Dixie,he was a great guy,always admired him,and if the CO wanted to make a decision he'd pick up the phone "Hi Spud - do you think we can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or whatever the CO wanted to do!And I do remember once a month how the SQMS's used to dread "exchange day"!!!!!(you'll pay my boy - you'll pay!)
    Oh - happy days!

  8. Roger,
    Where there's no sense there's no feeling I suppose. Suited me mate:!


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