Thursday, 24 March 2011

new way to loose weight.

Just escaped from the rehab clinic at Bad Meinberg ,if ever any of my fellow expats in germany get offered the chance to go there .DON'T . there are lots of better places  like

Belsen and auschwitz after a OP on my pancreas. followed 8 days later with the removal of my stomach I was sent there where they gave me at first the wrong food  which upset me so much that I was bedridden for 5 days and unable to eat. I was given the wrong treatment. and left the place in a worse state that I was in when I got there. and had to go to E & A at our local hospital it was discovered that I now have a ruptured navel. (anybody got an old penny and a bit of elastoplast )?

It seems there were a lot of birthdays in march at the moment my alcohol drink must be no more than 14% vol and no more than 50 ml .that is one schnapps glass of sherry and one of port Gents to your health. and after such a long time without I shall probably be a little pi**ed perhaps that is the best first step back to normality. 

I've lost 19 kilos. and they said I didn't have the Guts to diat. Frank


  1. welcome back FRANK can you fix it for Dennis hes shit scared of Doctors
    regards derek leese

  2. Glad to have a little of you back Frank I would,nt recommend that way of dieting though, all the best to you Frank

    Butch Ward

  3. Glad to hear you're on the mend Frank,and with all the grunting and groaning you are getting back to your old self.And Derek - who's NOT afraid of the doctors????

  4. I am more than pleased that they fixed you up in end ,and lets hope your alochol limits can be increased soon, it can not be much fun with 2 wine gums in a glass of lemonade but cheer up you are back with us once more , i am sure every one will agree with me that we are pleased to hear from you


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