Thursday 12 July 2012

Two Planes

No apologies for posting  this.

If you agree, send it to everyone in your Contacts list.

Wayne Rooney has just negotiated a £30, 000 PER WEEK
rise on top of his already grotesquely enormous contract.

Two planes landed in England the other day:

-One carried a group of grotesquely over-paid, immature, under-achieving football players, who complained they were tired and missed their families after two weeks in five-star accommodations.

The other carried the coffins of 7 fallen soldiers who had spent months away from loved ones, living in tents in a war zone;
they couldn't complain.
These soldiers earn £15k to £30k a year, not a day.

If you believe that the England team should donate two weeks' wages to Help the Heroes then please forward this on.


  1. It should a years wage, its not like they cant afford it.

  2. They will whine and whine about their footballing careers only lasting until their mid thirties. Unfortunately the careers of the fallen soldiers lasted a lot shorter than that.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree. Why do the clubs pander to these overated underachievers. If we were as bad at our jobs as they are at theirs we would not have been tolerated. We woud have lost our job and been kicked out of the regiment.

  4. 1 million percent agree or is this not enough


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