Tuesday 31 July 2012

Panzer Commander

Genre: History
Author:Hans Von Luck
Fabulous read. An account of the war from the German perspective. This Officer ended the war as a full colonel. When in the western Desert he mentions the Royal Dragoons on many occassions. He shows a copy of the text of a letter from the CO of the Royal Dragoons addressed to him with regards to the chivalrous way in which this part of the conflict was conducted. Very enlightening.


  1. Ian, I posted an article on this website some time ago, including a photograph of Hans Von Luck, together with the C/O's (1st Royal Dragoons) reply. I think the article is still archived in The Times.

    More interestingly: Did you know the Luftwaffe flew aircraft down over the pyrenees to Tripoli from Wesendorf during WWII ?

    ...and jet engined bomber aircraft flew from Wesendorf during the closing stages of the war ?

    Therefore hardly surprising the Desert Rats ended up in Wesendorf eh? Mind you, the Americans got there first!

  2. Hi Stan,
    Since reading the book I recently met a guy out here in Spain who is a retired Lt.Colonel REME. I was telling him about the book when I was surprised to hear that he had met Von Luck when he was at the staff college at Camberly. The REME guys name is Paul Wessendorf. He did tell me he got on rather well Oberst Von Luck. He did say he was a fascinating man.

  3. read that some time ago,thanks for reminding me,i need to get it back from the guy i loaned it to.

  4. Sad that such people had to shoot at each other.I can well believe that Wesendorf saw some jets(were they not ME112s),I was in Wesendorf last month,saw the old RHQ and the block we used to live in.The camp is no longer military,is slowly being taken over by civilians,but is under CCTV cameras!

  5. Altogether 129 aircraft were destroyed on the ground at Wesendorf:
    14x Ju88
    7x He111
    80x Bf109
    17x Fw190
    1x Fi156
    4x Ar234 (Jet Aircraft)
    5x Si204
    1x Savoia-Marchetti

    and a further 3x Ar234 (Jet Aircraft) were found under the rubble in one of the hangers

  6. Ah - now we know what frightened the sentries around the wrecked buildings on prowler Guard around the airport!

  7. Don, The Americans took one of the Ar234's back to America as this was one of the 1st Jet bomber to have been built - That's why the Americans were so keen to get to Wesendorf first!
    Flugzeugführerschule C 12
    Obstlt Joachim Stollbrock, 1939 - 22.11.39
    Oberst Horst Merz, 23.11.39 - 30.6.42
    Obstlt Rudolf Schonger, 2.43 - 7.44

    Formed 1938 in Wesendorf as FFS C Wesendorf.
    In 9.39 renamed FFS C Prag-Rusin.
    On 16.1.40 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule C 12 (FFS C 12).
    Disbanded 1.7.42, and was mainly absorbed by Blindflugschule 3.
    Reformed 2.43 in Olm?tz.
    On 15.10.43 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule B 12.
    Disbanded 7.44.
    Used the following aircraft: He 111, Ju 52, Ju 86 and others

    1938 - 9.39 Wesendorf
    9.39 - 1.7.42 Prag-Rusin
    2.43 - 7.44 Olm?tz*
    * satellite airfields: Prerau, Holitz
    (Blindflugschule 3.)

  8. Thank you - to think I was Stationed there and did not know its history!

  9. Great stuff - have you ever been back there since?


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