Saturday, 22 January 2011

Welcome to Robin Ward

Welcome to the BB Robin (ID IS 5462rjw), Robin joined the regiment in Aden in 1960 he was in 3rd Troop Asqn. I will let him tell you all about his time in the Royals.


  1. Welcome to the BB ROBIN i am sure you will find some old mates

  2. Welcome Robin i was in ASQN in Singapore then went to HQ SQN in IPOH Pleased you made it on the BB
    regards derek leese

  3. Is that Butch Ward from A Sqdn in Ipoh? Frank

  4. It certainly is Frank, it jolly good to find you after all this time, do you remember the times when you was my scout car commander in Malaya

  5. Welcome Robin to the BB I'm sure you are going to find it very interesting and hopefully get back in touch with some of your old mates.

    Regards Keith Shaw.

  6. Another recruit,welcome Robin,hope to hear from you on here soon.

  7. When ever we welcome a new name we hope that he will contribute to the general chat , but they very rarely do. So Robin ,welcome and once again we hope to hear more from you once you've got into the swing of things.

  8. Yes Butch, I'll tell you what when I'm back on the road, we must meet up in Dorset my nephew has a Ferret ,we can pinch it and drive though the ullus of of Rhododendron's and perhaps capture a few local C.T.s PADDY . I don't think you will find that Butch will be a passive member he as he was almost as verbose as me I'm sure you will find him good company
    Bye the way Butch we have Jim Aichinson on site but he seems very shy these days as of lots of the other A sqdn lads we have Frank

  9. Welcome Robin. You joined as I left Asqn 59. was terry wood in 3 troop at that time.
    He just lives 1oo yards from me now. I think he also served in malaya.

  10. John i noticed you mentioned Terry Wood do you know if he has a computer
    regards derek leese

  11. Derek. Iwill see him today and find out, but I very much doubt it.

  12. Thanks Derek for your welcome ,just trying to catch up with all the emails I have recieved in the few days i have been on BB Regards

    Butch Ward

  13. Thank you Gentlemen for making Robin welcome, like George I told him that you would and like George I should know Robin as he was also in Asqn with myself in Neesoon.

    John Atkins

  14. Well I would like to see a few more Asqn lads on here. it would realy be good for Jim Aitchinson to show him self.Hey Frank I doubt very much if I could remember how to drive a ferret now, but they say you never forget how to ride a bike


  15. yes Butch talking about riding Bikes ! someone was remembering Kim on this site a while back.
    Right me bags are packed I have to check in to hosp tomorrow at 0800 hrs see you when I get out
    in a few weeks. Frank.

  16. I would like to wish you all good health Frank and hope all goes well for you, and I,m sure all here do also

    Butch Ward

  17. Where will you be Frank - might pop in and see you with a bag of jelly-babies and a bottle of pop!

    PS - don't think I'll ever forget how to drive any of the vehicles and AFVs we were equipped with?

  18. Bob,
    Trying to get Jim Aitchison on is like getting blood out of a stone, at least he comes to the reunion and I phone him accasionally so we do keep in contact, I have tried to get him on the phone today but I think he must be away, when I get hold of him I will tell him you have been asking after him.

    John Atkins


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