Thursday, 9 December 2010

My little friend the blackbird

This is the blackbird that I mentioned in a post yesterday, he was here waiting for his food again as normal this morning.


  1. Obviously there are no cats in your area?.... as this photo wasn't taken in a 'Public place' aren't you infringing his rights to privacy?

  2. Stan You would not believe it but there are cats everywhere that is why he comes here because I will not have cats coming into my garden. I know they have a roving commission and they are a pest Sh***ng in the garden, I don't have cats myself,can't do with them.

    John Atkins

  3. Stan since when did blackbirds have Pubic hairs ? if they do then not a lot of people know that !
    now that is infringing an his privacy. frank

  4. John like you i dont have cats comming in my garden.if by any chance one did get in that would be his first and last visit..Dogs also not allowed.
    regards derek leese

  5. NIce photos , Sorry but I have dogs and Cats but I also still get some birds in the garden. But no mice or rats from the MaltingsMill down the road

  6. We also have a nice selection of birds A regular visitor is a woodpecker Mind you I must spend best part of five pounds a week
    on nuts seed and fat balls

  7. John,
    They are all jealous because you've got a bird in the garden that eats out orf your hand!!!

  8. It's pigeons that are a problem, once they get to know about that food they'll just poo all over your patio John - and it's a hell of a job to clean-up! When we had cats I used to fit bells on their collars and they were never able to catch another bird. As for dogs, walking around with a 'poo bag' in me pocket just ain't my scene!

  9. Stan, I have pigeons, doves feeding in my garden and they are fed on the bird table so they do not come near the blackbirds food the nearest they come is to the water bowl down the garden.I do not have a dog either as they are a pest when you want to go away, at least the birds can get food in other gardens if I am not here.


  10. Thought it a good time to tell you a story about dogs.Now where we lived before we had a garden,but no fences or hedges with our neighbours.The lady living below us had a poodle(hate poodles)and during the time we had snow she let it out at dark and it poo'd on our grass in front of the terrace.When the snow thawed we were confronted with lots of little mountains in front of the terrace.The CO marched down to the lady and told her in no uncertain manner this was not gonna go on,she said "naughty dog"and that was it.So the next time it snowed,after the thaw there it was,turds all over the grass in front of our large window!So the CO bought a lovely bit of steak,cut off a nice chunk,filled it with laxative tablets,and left it on the terrace.So we did'nt see Fiffi for about a week,the CO got talking to the lady at the bottom of the garden,who said "Dunno whats wrong with our Fiffi,pooped all over the house for three days,don't let her out anymore"!Boy - we still get some laughs over this,the moral being - if you have dog problems get yourself a laxative!

  11. I don't understand you animal haters. When I compare the loyalty, devotion and pure pleasure one gets from Humans and Animals , I favour the latter anytime.

  12. Paddy correct me if I am wrong but wern't you pro hunt about a year ago ? Frank

  13. Quite right too paddy and before anybody complains about my wife changing her ‘mug-shot’ to an Otter Hound ( just think how I feel about that then Frank - I'm hounded enough without having to carry a poo-bag around with me all the time! Ahhhhh aint he sweet? depends which end you're looking at him from Frank!

  14. Well just to warm up you animal lovers I was in my usual supermarkt today,when,surprise,surprise,I thought of a lot of you as on the shelf they had Whiskey,Irish,Jamesons 0.7l bottle for Euro16.99,is that worth buying?They also had Dereks favourite,you know,the bottle he always carries around in his jacket pocket,Glenfiddich at Euro29.99 a bottle.So the Christmas spirit is around!

  15. Don you will need something to warm you .yesterday we had almost a dozen Long Tailed Tits on our bird table and also a few Haw Finches ,they don't usually come unless the weather turns exceedingly harsh. watch out

  16. Stan I've been in the sh*t all of my life , so I've kinda got used to it. we always remove it when our dog does it in our garden and when the customers of the B&Q store down the road come into my garden with their dogs I always insist that they to pick it up,and take it home with them.if they refuse then the polizei station is just round the corner. and its then it expensive'cos its pollution and trespassing and pollution in a nature protected area.& the police love that 'cos it easy work for them.Frank

  17. Hi all,yes,those Long tailed tits often visit our birdhouse,they arrive in masses and its funny to see a dozen or more on one fat ball.Funny people about,they seem to think if their dog does it in our gardens we should say thank you,don't have any problems with dogs - but CATS!!!!!!

  18. Had 7 cats once - all individual characters too! Unfortunately when the end came it was like living in a morgue (all about the same age). Had them cremated as this was the least we could do after 18 years loyal service. No more cats though. Can't afford them nor the vet bills come to think of it. Most people with dogs in my area only have them as 'Guard Dogs' and a Staffordshire bull terrier would soon see your cats off Don! A few years ago 10 houses in my street were burgled in one evening, with a further 3 recorded as attempted break-ins. The only ones that didn't get burgled were the ones with 'Guard Dogs' Strange how word gets around eh. And the local newspaper no longer reports burglaries as they say they don't want people to become alarmed and feel insecure! I was tempted to put a notice in my side window not so long ago saying "Tony Martin Security Installed Here" but then thought better of it as I know burglars have better rights than do homeowners, even had to take the 'Razor wire' off the back fence should they cut themselves on it.

  19. Do have some pleasant little surprises should anyone ignore my outside burgler alarm with the flashing light.Just had a case here where 5 young heroes broke into an old guys home,they did'nt klnow he was a hunter,he shot one of the 17 years old,who had a crime record as long as your arm.That old guy is now awaiting trial - makes you laugh 'eh - or cry!!!!!

    PS -his aim was good,right through the heart!!!!

  20. The only burglar I've know to be caught was the guy who broke into the Chemists shop and made his getaway by jumping out of the rear window - and the only reason he got caught was because he'd broken his legs and needed urgent medical assistance! It's also worth mentioning here that most Drugs-related burglar's are also 'Paid Police Informants' so beware! Should you try to harm them in anyway! Which is why I now refer to my local nick as the 'burglar's JobCentre'. Last year two PCSOs called to my house to inform me of another burglary in the street, just a few doors away and if I’d seen anything suspicious. I told them I'd trawl through my cctv and let them know. Sure enough, I'd captured the offending vehicle entering and then coming back down the cul-de-sac with the wide-screen TV in the boot, as they couldn't even close the boot lid it was so full! I left it for several days thinking they'd forgotten all about me but no they kept on ringing so I eventually handed the DVD into the local police station with specific instructions as to who and what it was for. I'd no sooner returned home when I noticed two people running down the street towards my house. Standing in the centre of the road, one of them then started pointed up towards my house saying "Look, up there, that's where it is up there" (pointing towards no2 cam from the loft) they then walked back up the street. Well bugger me, it only took me 5mins to get back from the police station and the police computer's leaking like a sieve already! So in an area where retribution rules supreme, I no longer co-operate in this respect. I just want to get sufficient evidence to take out a private prosecution and then send the Chief Constable the bill. The whole system needs to be overhauled from top to bottom, including this human rights business.

    Finally, don't rely on your "burglar alarm with flashing lights" particularly if the sensors are not 'hard-wired' in as these could be disabled. The following article should give you an insight into how this might be done, although such technology is above that of the ordinary burglar. Same applies to certain cctv cameras but not mine, as someone found out to their dismay just recently! Moral of the story; don’t bugger around with an ex soldier, particularly one that’s been at the forefront of Electronic Research & Development over the past 40 odd years!

  21. Short while ago you were not allowed to use mobiles on aircraft,so you would have thought they would have got the train technology right?

  22. I'm all for banning mobiles my christmas present for my son is a cosmetic O:P: to have his removed from his ear and right hand. I've heard of ingrowing toe nails but but with a phone its ridiculous frank

  23. I thought you were still 'not allowed' to use mobiles on aircraft? or is this just on taking-off & landing? However, you can now use mobiles in Hospitals - NHS ones that is. I only use my mobile as an alarm clock, very effective indeed when used in vibration mode Frank!!!

  24. My mobile(Handies they call 'em here)is for emegencies only,its always in the car,but never goes into retaurants etc,in fact the CO makes a habit of when in an eating place someone starts talking a lot of crap on his mobile,she asks the waiter to move us to another table as we came to eat and not to listen to someones rubbish!Luckily more and more restaurants are banning their use on their premises.Wonder sometimes how the world ever revolved without "mobiles",and I wonder how much of many peoples income goes up in thin air?

  25. I think 'Handies' and 'Facebook' are now in the same league Don - some people just can't live with either!

  26. Stan you say they are very effective in vibration mode . Tell me please where do you put it
    or is that going to be a rude answer ? Frank.

  27. I put it on the bedroom cabinet which then acts to increase the sound exponentially like a piano sounding board does. This in turn counteracts the inverse square law properties whereby vibrations diminish inversely as the square of the distance from the source. I'm hardly likely to wear it in bed and fry me brains out now am I Frank? It also has a ‘snooze’ facility which gives me an extra hour in bed every morning – not like it used to be in Wesendorf !

  28. My mobile went U/S a short while ago and I've just got a new one,why can't they make 'em all the same,taking me ages to store numbers and names?
    Ah well - we are getting on I suppose!

  29. Thanks for that Stan, however I think I'll stick to my old Bride waking me with a cup of tea,
    and saying you breakfast is ready in 10 I do have a mobile phone (or is that spelt" Fon"these days ?) somewhere & yes I can use it, even use text. Frank

  30. I was looking out of the kitchen window today and noticed the birds under the bird table .and thought of christmas dinner, what do my fellow "Blogers " recommend the were 24 blackbirds, (for a Pie ? ) 2 pheasant hens a wood pigeon, But sadly no partridge in the oak tree. we refuse to buy the gene modified maize fed birds of the supermarket preferring to grow our own but this year we
    missed out . Frank

  31. Talking of birds gotta pick up my turkey tomorrow at 11AM,we have two sons,1 daughter plus 1 grandson to dine on Christmas day,the other son and wife plus two kids are staying in Frankfurt.Don is the starter maker for Xmas lunch,lambs tongues,with a a la Dons sauce,avocado with greenland shrimps topped with hardbolied egg drowned in majonaisse,decorated with mini tomatoes.The COs bit is roast turkey,with roast spuds,brussels and parsnips,chestnuts and cranberry sauce.Chipolatoes for anyone who likes 'em,and for a sweet a delicatessen ice roll(we can never find enough space for Xmas pud!!!!!)
    Bon appetit.

  32. Time 2100 hrs dateline 5 Jan 2011. just had my first christmas mince pies. she said she didn't have time to make them before,although the pasty was made 4 days ago ( orange flavored short-
    bread ) and kept in the fridge .it has not gone unnoticed that our son got the first ones. I think its time he started paying rent. (even if he did buy me a canon DSLR camera a couple of days ago )
    he was the one who told all his mates to send me email of a half eaten mince pie. you may well ask why she had no time to bake this year. 'cos she spends all her time feeding her hedgehogs wild birds and milking her hens. (such is life without a wife, but a ponderous life with one )
    I suppose its out of the question to ask when she is making the Christ stollen. Frank

  33. Ah..Stollen! No matter how old it is just put it in the microwave for a few turns and it's like new again! It also has almonds (marzipan) in it, although this seems to vary from make to make. Almonds help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Can't say the same for mince pies though. Stan

    (Fresh snowfall is expected to hit southern England Friday the 7th with Scotland braced for a blizzard of up to 4 inches)

  34. Stan a fellow christ stollen liebhaber.the original had no marzipan in them but did have "Bitter Almonds,unfortunately these were taken of the market in germany because they are deemed to be carcinogenic fortunately we discovered that they are still to be had from chinese food stores in the U:K my old Bride always used to make extra ones and kept them hidden in a large tin or wood box until Easter they were made in nov and providing there was sufficient Myers rum in it I think.
    by the way I asked her just now if there was any chance of her making a stollen. chose the wrong moment she had her rolling pin in her hand.if she wasn't a lady I sure she would have said something like Bad Cough .I'll have to hope for an apple pie or doughnuts for me birthday.when we kept milk sheep in dorset she often used to bake eclairs and fill them with beaten cream flavored with liquidised raspberries. High blood pressure ? cholesterol. diabetes ? got tablets to lower those

  35. While on the subject of "Stollen"as I remember it originally came from Dresden,and thats where the one comes from that I like best(without marzipan)But we can buy a very good one from Detmold "Butterstollen" - and I still have a bit left,the CO keeps me rationed on it as its VERY fattening!!!Seem to have gone off mince pies these days,and after the Christmas dinner never any space left for Xmas pudding!
    Happy eating.


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