Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Malay message.

Salamat hari dan natal tahun baru bahagia

                                                               To you and yours


 Learnt that from a Malay Doctor in a German heart hospital after my Bypass OP in 2002


  1. Wot... and you’re still alive? The last 'foreign' German Doctor to practice here in the UK didn't even speak English let alone know the difference between 0.1mil and 10mil and killed his patient Frank!

    Did your Doctor practice during the emergency in Malaya? I remember in Ipoh we used to visit a Malayan Doctor who used to live on the road into Ipoh. He, his wife & Children used to invite Bryn Furber and myself to dinner every Sunday and they were very appreciative of what the British had done for them. I still have the photos so will post them here sometime. I think you were very lucky there Frank.

    ...and Yes, a Happy Christmas everyone (I don't like to think about the New Year just yet!)

  2. tri makasi Frank.

    Best Regards Doug.

  3. .......or a happy 'winter-val' delmonte.

    Frank..ly, I'm all in favour of banning New Year, particularly when you don't know if it's going to be your last! And just in case it is (no applause please) I've just gone out and bought myself a bottle of Woods' Navy Rum, as there's nothing worse than spending your last Xmas on a dry ship!

  4. Come on Stan be fair He is a Nigerian and they have just found out that he's probably not qualified .a fact that it seems Yorkshire nhs presumed and informed the rest of NHS but they still let him back ,and paid him 160 quid an hour plus expenses.

  5. Stan why are you being so Morose ? do you know something we don't know. I've got a rackful of vintage claret to drink before I go ,and its being added to every few months or so.I think I' take a bottle with me over christmas when I get the new electric finished it the West Wing ,I don't think I Will get any christmas fair my old bride has toothache, the Dentist say she can find nothing wrong with them. might be a sensitive tooth ? must give you an update on my building escapade's after xmas Frank

  6. Spot on Frank. I dislike the implication that this doctor was purely the product of ineptitude and mismanagement. It's hardly a leap to believe that public officials at all levels were happy to accept kick-backs of some kind or another!

  7. Thats not what LILLY used to say to me??

  8. hey up Lads the Geordie Hinney has raised his ugly head out of hibernation. No she never spoke with her mouth full did she.
    Nice to have you back Denis


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