Thursday, 4 November 2010

Specialist appointment

Hi guys just to let you know saw the specialist today and he said that he could operate on my kidney,there is a slight snag they have found a lesion on my spine could be a birth defect but have to have a bone scan next Friday will let you know how I get on.


  1. Hope everything goes o.k. and they find it isnothing to serious, good luck with the kidney op Helene

  2. Good luck Tony, fingers crossed for you. Roger Beard

  3. best of luck and wishes TONY
    Scouse Freeman

  4. I would like to echo the wishes of the other members and trust that the appointment that you are attending is just a precaution.

    I went through a bad patch myself in 2008 where I almost made the LAST PARADE twice within a 6 month period.

    You can never put an OLD ROYAL down we manage to get to first parade daily.

    Good Luck

  5. hope that all goes well and your back with us soon .tom .

  6. May I also say that I hope that everything goes well for you Tony, will be thinking of you.

    John Atkins

  7. ...just watch out for the Philippino nurses tony. They have a way of making you better in no time!

  8. Hi Tony
    Hope all goes well with the scan ,

  9. I hope that it all goes well for you Tony mate. :-) Steve

  10. Good luck Tony. if you are claustrophobic tell them its better than a heart attack in there and its
    pleasant under sedation there are a lot of us like it. frank

  11. Best of luck Tony, for your scan and Kidney op.

    All the best -- from the Bests. Ken, Doug & Ches.

  12. Just been done over myself,sure you will be okay Tony,will think of you.
    Best wishes

  13. Hiya Noob, Keep your chin down and lead with your left matey. Alabreast Tiger n Lin


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