Friday, 5 November 2010

humour no2

A Marines Wife Confesses
This came from a

Marines wife. It says it all:

I sat, as did millions of other Americans, and watched as the government
Under went a peaceful transition of power a year ago..
At first, I felt a swell of pride and patriotism while
Barack Obama took his Oath of office.

However, all that pride quickly vanished as I later watched 21Marines,
In full dress uniform with rifles,
Fire a 21-gun salute to the President.
It was then that I realized how far America's military had deteriorated.
Every one of them missed the bastard.


  1. that is funny
    regards derek leese

  2. Re 21-gun salutes and US Presidents

    I remember when we went to the Philippines in 1962. The original concept was to go on HMS Belfast but we ended up with RN Inshore flotilla instead. As we entered the Port of Manila the ships crew gave a 21-gun salute while the band played the national anthem from the 'Poop deck'. Well, judging by the reception we received the Filipino’s must have thought it was MacArthur returning - We were all treated as if we were long lost heroes! Which is strange because the Philippines had broken off diplomatic relations with Malaya in their claim for parts of British North Borneo, backed by Presidents Sukarno, Khrushchev and JFK!

    April 1962 was also a time when Macarthur made his famous speech at West Point titled "Duty, Honor, Country" in which he said "The shadows are lengthening for me. The twilight is here. My days of old have vanished, tone and tint. They have gone glimmering through the dreams of things that were”. Incidentally, MacArthur also advised JFK against a military build-up in Vietnam, and we all know what happened to JFK!

    So the final part of my story comes during the Hong Kong handover to China in 1992 After departing Hong Kong in the Royal Yacht Britannia, Chris Pattern and Prince Charles return to the UK via the Philippines. So as the Royal Yacht enters the Port of Manila, the Filipino’s give Britannia one long last 21-gun salute. However, the only difference this time was that the Filipino’s used Live ammunition, much to the consternation of all on board Britannia!

    When I look back today, I just wonder what kind of 21-gun salute HMS Belfast would have given the Filipino’s?


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