Thursday, 12 November 2009


nice tree


  1. Did anyone pick out the blackbirds nest on the bottom right of the tree?

  2. That's not fair Don - having great difficulty finding keyboard keys let alone nests up a tree!

    Due for "Traumatic Cataract with Iridodialysis" operation next month.
    Has anybody else here had cataract problem?

  3. No Stan but wish you all the best and I hope everything works out for you.

  4. Yes,and from me Stan all success for the operation.The wife had this done,apart from a slight red in the eye corner she can now see better than me,and I've gotta be carefull when I see a nice bit of leg or bosom!

  5. Thanks for all your support. I know I'm in good hands as I am having the operation done in the same hospital that treats 'Bomb Blast' victims from Afghanistan - The Birmingham Eye Hospital!

    Now back to Don's 'test'.........For a while, I thought this was another one of those "Capt. Bradish-Ellames" tests everyone went on from Herford circa Xmas '58. You might like to know that he sent Taffy Shearn and myself to a certain vineyard in the Mosul Valley from which we never recovered - a vineyard that looked very much like the above picture except for grapes growing in place of bridnests!

    So what became of Capt. Bradish-Ellames? Little has been mentioned on this website - a fine Officer and a gentleman as far as I' concerned.

  6. I sincerely hope that your forthcoming op will be a success Stan. Capt Bradish Ellames eventually commanded the regiment after amalgamation.
    On the subject of the initiative tests; One group was sent to get Elvis Pressley's autograph.He happened to be serving in the US zone at the time and from what I remember the group not only got the autograph but were entertained by the star for a night or two. Anyone got any comments on that?

  7. STAN Capt Bradish Ellames died a few years ago. he was at one time CO of THE LIFE GUARDS

  8. Paddy,
    I remeber clearly the guys who were tasked with getting Elvis's autograph,and ended up having dinner with him.I've alweays been a fan of Elvis,and got most of his songs!S.E.M.Bradish Ellames I knew very well,he had a habit of saying,if you did'nt please him,"MR REMFREY"in that quiet questioning voice of his.Great guy,knew him from the time he joined the Regt as a one pipper,always up to something,once at the Waterloo Ball he put his spur into the ankle of my wife during the celebrations,she did'nt half give him a mouthfull about"silly young officers"!,but he took it like a man and apologised in his own charming manner.A playfull youngster who made his mark in the Royals and elsewhere,one I'll always remember!


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