Saturday, 11 February 2012

This will gladden your Hearts

Hohne 1968


  1. Sorry its not our Regt, but Great Picture. Its the QDG....

  2. I remember the year at Hohne (65 I think) when it was so wet that movement of the tanks was halted, we actually got a ration or two of grog and the most popular song was 'We Gotta Get Out Of This Place' !

  3. If that was the earlier part of '65 I was still in Hameln with 10 Coy RASC I didn't get to the Royals untill May '65 thanks to my brother claiming me. Never looked back.

    Dave 118

  4. My dear old Dad spent some time with the RASC in the western desert leading up to Alamein. He always claimed with a smile that the initials stood for 'Run Away Someone's Coming' !

  5. My dear old Dad spent some time with the RASC in the western desert leading up to Alamein. He always claimed with a smile that the initials stood for 'Run Away Someone's Coming' !

  6. Someones got the "hiccups"

  7. Horrable place to be when it was wet, especially when you had a breakdown up to your eyeballs in mud
    every driver's nightmare.
    Nice to see you back on form after your plumming job, looks like they done a good job Plummy,

    Paddy H

  8. Peter, I always thought it stood for Rissoles Aresoles Sausages and Chips. But I could be wrong. LOL

    Dave 118


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