Friday, 17 February 2012

The passing of Major Livingstone MBE

I must sadly report that 512801 Major James Angus (Jim) LIVINGSTONE MBE, passed away earlier this morning (17 February 2012) in hospital in Perthshire, Scotland, aged 68 after suffering cancer of the neck.

Jim served with The Royal Dragoons and The Blues and Royals between 1960 and until August 1993. He was the Quartermaster at Windsor at the time of the Union of The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals in 1992.

The condolences of the Association go to his widow Caitriona and family at this sad and difficult time.

The funeral service for the late Major James Angus (Jim) LIVINGSTONE MBE, who passed away on 17 February 2012 will be held on Friday 24 February 2012 at 2 p.m. at Perth Crematorium, Crieff Rd, Perth, Perthshire PH1 2PE.


O Lord Jesus Christ who by the Holy Apostle has called us to put on the armour of God and to take the sword of the spirit, give thy grace we pray thee, to the Blues and Royals that we may fight manfully under thy banner against all evil, and waiting on thee to renew our strength, may mount up with wings as eagles, in thy name, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.


  1. Jim joined the Regt. in Ipoh. He came from the Junior Leaders Regt. RAC, Bovington.
    The same time as Stu. Sibley. I remember him well during my time in the Royals.(C Sqn.)
    Condolences to his Family & Friends. R.I.P. Jim.

    Ken,Doug & Ches Best.

  2. Had some good times with Jim B SQD BAOR, was hoping to see him at the spring do.Be sadley missed,Condolences to Caitriona and Family.R I P Jim.

  3. I first came across Cpl Livingstone when on tank park guard in Detmold. He was the guard commander. When I was on stag I thought it ok to shoot off to the NAFFI shop as I was out of fags. When I returned to the tank park I ran slap bang into Jim, who, after questioning me as to my where abouts totally disbelieved my garbled excuse then smacked me in the mouth and told me to stop f....... About and carry on. I then came across him later when as a REME (TA) 3 bar he turned up as QM of The Royal Yeomanry. I thought he was a thoroughly decent guy. My most sincere condolences go to his family. RIP Jim.

    Dave 118

  4. Devasting news .Goodbye old friend RIP

  5. Dreadful shock. Will be missed greatly. A pal for many years. RIP Jock

  6. Another sad loss,someone I knew well,condolances to his family and friends!


  7. So sad to hear about Jim, I knew Jim in C Sqn Royals
    as a Cpl in Hobart
    Lots of good times on the Tank Park and on exercise,,
    they were the good old days,
    Condolences to his wife and Family.
    Rest in Peace Jim.

    Paddy H

  8. Dear Member of The Blues and Royals Association,

    Mrs Caitriona Livingstone, widow of the Late Major Jim Livingstone MBE, who passed away on 17 February 2012, has asked me to pass her thanks and appreciation, through the Association, for the large number of letters and cards of condolence and sympathy she has received from many of Jim's friends and colleagues who he had served with during his career with The Royal Dragoons and The Blues and Royals.

    Caitriona and Jim's family, would also like to thank all those that made the long journey to attend his funeral last Friday; your presence was much appreciated.


    PF Stretton


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