Sunday, 1 January 2012

Info Request

This year I'm repainting the Brengun Carrier, considering putting it in Royals decals post WWll. Many Regiments after the war had a variety of vehicles. Apart from Dingos, did the Regiment have Carriers in Recce section or HQ.
I was hoping to purchase a Mk 2 Ferret from Canada, but had a lot of difficulty with transfer to USA. pulled out of deal Sadly.


  1. Happy new year Pixie. Sorry to hear about the FSC falling through. Thanks to your recommendation I am reading Richard Holmes' "Soldiers" having trouble putting it down , first class read.

  2. Hi Dave, Happy New Year to you & family. There's another book I'm reading The Battle of the Tanks Kursk, 1943. by Lloyd Clark author of Anzio & Crossing the Rhine.

  3. Cheers for that will hunt it down. Always open for a good recommendation, could you let me have the ISBN in case I have to order it. Thanks again.

    Dave 118

  4. Pixie,we disd not have them from 1957 onwards, duuno about earlier ...come on you OLDIES.

  5. There were certainly no Bren Carriers in my time with the Regiment starting 1948,nearest thing we had were the half-tracks which the REME used to tow us out of the mire!!!!

  6. Pixie do you remember the Recce Troop fitters following us around in their half track "Gin Palace"? If you looked in there at night all you could see was fag smoke and smell the beer. Makes you wonder why it took me until 1998 to join the REME.

    Dave 118

  7. Maybe you were'nt "run in" on that beer till 1998?

  8. That must be it Don, after the sober upbringing in THE ROYAL regiment of DRAGOONS it took till 1998 to corrupt this poor sole. But now I'm back in the fold and can't wait for the next regimental temperance meeting. Perhaps this could be held in the bar of the Fradley Arms in June.

    Dave 118

  9. Dave - are we talking about the same Regiment?Dunno if I'll make it for the Fradley arms this year - but I'll try my best as I may have to try and talk some of you sober young guys into a beer!Talking about the REME and their half tracks they were great guys,and some were real "Royals" and one I know even stood in for an SSM on parade who was under the weather one early morning!And one I knew loved his doggie so much that when they both had a night out the doggie got a Trooper as babysitter!

  10. Don I sincerely hope you are able to make the reunion as the Royals temperance society need you to spread the word. I am afraid of being lead astray by the likes of Pixie , Tiger Lyons and Plummy , forcing me to imbibe alcohol .

    Dave 118

  11. You hear that guys - our Dave is afraid of being led astray by some of you bad 'uns!Anyway,did you all have a good Christmas and New Year - no doubt your resolutions for 2012 will be as expected from all good Royals?.For those of us who are not in the best of health I hope 2012 will bring better times.
    Can anyone do anything about this awful weather?

  12. OK Dave, who led who astray? I blame Tich West, Dave Grey, Notty Notridge,`You & Plummy. But all in all. between cleaning Tank Park, Guard Duty, Cook House Fatigues & Parade We had a great time. I would do it all again. Looking forward to seeing you all in June. By the way does anyone know where Aussie & Little Micky Robinson ended up.

  13. It was everyones fault except mine honest guv I didn't want to drink all that beer. I always thought that Aussie went to the Queens Royal Irish Hussars but don't quote me. I haven't a clue about Micky though. I am in complete agreement with you I would rejoin in a flash. Though I preferred to be on exercise than being in camp.

    Dave 118

  14. that`s what i told the CO when i went for my demob interview i said in camp we were like tin soldiers, among other things,
    it did not go down to well


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