Saturday, 28 January 2012

Just saying goodbye ......... leaving town!!


To help save the economy, the Government will announce next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting seniors (instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Healthcare costs.

Older people are easier to catch and will not remember how to get back home.

I started to cry when I thought of you.

Then it dawned on me ... oh, crap...

I'll see you on the bus!


  1. not me I don't intend to get old I keep pretending , I'm to busy and haven't got time much to Matthew's annoyance he thinks as I'm a granny I should be wearing granny slippers not dogs, with floppy years. But they are much more fun and certainly probably more dangerous but who cares

  2. On that bus with all those sexy looking gals - what a way to go?

  3. From the South of France, honestly it's not that bad !


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