Tuesday, 17 January 2012

B/Sqn Ipoh.

4th Troop, Any familar faces !.


  1. back row sgt Lindsey RAAC, Me, McBride, Gilmartin, Stocks, Kingshott, Ramsbottom
    front row Thomas, Hopwood, Johnson, Jefferson, Steven, L/c Waite, Lt Connor RAAC
    Ipoh Jan 61 sorry cant remember all the first names!
    any of you out there??

  2. Bruce, I dont remember you going from us 1st Troop to 4th !!, some time last year i had a E/Mail from The Aussie Sgt Lindsey Ref did he quilify for the Malaya Medal whilst serving with the Royals (Which did), The L/Cpl Was Chalkie White who also had a brother in the Regiment, Jake Gilmatin (Played Ice Hockey i believe for the Paisley Pirates) He along with Thomas,And you were all up in Sharjah with us in B/Sqn . Queenie Kingshott done his training with me ,


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