Saturday, 7 January 2012


Welcome ANGELA to the ROYALS BB  Angela is the daughter of
Derek Leese who is keeping her eye on him and will fill you in with
any updates on her dads HEALTH


  1. Thanks Angela and welcome to the BB, we will be pleased for you to keep us updated on Derek's health and tell him that I am thinking of him and please give him and Pat my regards.

    John Atkins

  2. Another welcome to you Angela ..

  3. Welcome, and thanks for taking the time ..Phil

  4. Hello Angela I did not realise dad was not well Pauline and I hope when you read this there is a great improvement in his health Ray and Pauline Brown.

  5. PLEASE TELL THE the Man we wish him well hope is problem is nothing more than AGE
    Best regards Derek
    Mike de Carteret

  6. Bless you Angela, Your Dad is very lucky to have you looking after him.
    God Bless you both
    John Matthew.

  7. Welcome Angela. Good to know Derek is being cared for. I have 3 daughters and I am sure when I need them, they will do same for me.As yet my CO does very well.

  8. Welcome Angela,our Derek is surely in the best hands,give him my best wishes,may he soon be his old self again.

  9. Sorry to hear your Dad is not well, hope he is better soon helene

  10. Angela , pass on my best wishes to your dad and I hope to hear good news about him soon.

  11. ANGELA tell DEREK we miss him on skype.and i hope he picks up soon

  12. Welcome Angela. Heres hoping that Derek is soon back on his feet. God Bless.

  13. Welcliome to the BB Angela, it is good to know that your dad has someone he can trust to look after him, as we as young soldier had trust in him, please keep us informed as to how he is getting on ,give dad my best wishes

  14. Welcome Angela to the BB, please give Dad my sincere Best Wishes .
    Keith Shaw.

  15. Derek needs someone to keep him in control, good luck Angeta

  16. Angela, Give the old boy my best wish'es tell him to keep taking the tablets,its good to know he is in good hands.

  17. Good to know Derek is being looked after.Best wishes Angela hope Dad will soon be better regards

    Butch Ward

  18. Good to know your dad is being well looked after. Our best regards to you both. Jim & Barb Aitch.

  19. teddyboy 105
    Welcome Angela, sorry to hear Derek is unwell I did try to find Dereks house but failed , please give him my regards and if he is well enough to recieve a well wisher, I would be happy to pop round as I live in Harlow ,my E=MAIL is thanks from chris

  20. hey Derek , I am still here and hope you will still be in the future. I have just found a good picture of you on my pictures of Royals. I will put it on the pictures page.You will remember where and when it was taken. All the best mate. Patrick

  21. Hiya Derek sorry to hear you are unwell, Its only a blip ,it won't keep a good man down for long
    get yourself well soonest.
    Best wishes.

    Paddy H

  22. Hi Everyone and thank you for the welcome.
    Dad is not well enough to be able to respond to all these messages himself so I will on his behalf. Hopefully he will feel a little better soon and be able to get on skype for a chat or argumentative discussion which he loves :-) It is a shame he is not well enough for visitors at present. Fortunately my parents produced so many kids there are enough of us to help out. He is not the best patient in the world but lets face it he is far too use to getting his own way! Never listens to what is best for him and still expects to be in charge, nothing changing in that department. I will pass on all your well wishes and let you know how he is progressing. Angela x

  23. Thats the Derek that we know, thanks for the update Angela, tell him I will get Denis to give him a good rocketing if he does not behave when he comes on Skype.

    John Atkins

  24. Sounds just like the man we all know.....
    Thank you for the info.

  25. Ah yes - he's a difficult lad our Denis - put your foot down with a firm hand Angela,and he'll be up and amoung us in no time at all,and Denis is waiting to show him his new little dog-hound!


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