Thursday, 21 April 2011

Earth Day

Heh you guys! today is earth day get out and do your bit for the environment if you really care

for your grandchildrens future. and tell us about it Johnie hows your allotment doing.Frank


  1. WE recycle all our rubbish we can and we have made a small pond in the garden two years ago and left it to to go native and now we have small frogs in it, but one of the dogs keeps drinking out of it rather than her water bow lso I don't know how long they will stay

  2. Hi Helene .yes dogs are grotty creatures,I think its because they prefer rain water. I have a little
    tank with some water plants in it and it stinks my cocker keeps climbing into it just so that I will give her a bath. but your baby frogs should be ok in your pond until mid Summer when they go to live on land that's when they run the gauntlet of the hedgehogs,birds and would be interesting to know what sort they are .I have 2 types the moor frog and the grass frog. we also have the great crested newt and lots of toads.oh yes the nightingales have started to return. I heard them all last cuckoo yet. Frank

  3. I thing they are grass frogs, but I can't find my book at the moment to check, you are very lucky to have crested newts the last time I saw them was in Keldy Forest on the Nature Trail with the warden.WE also had an evening talk on Bats when they had a specialist with a licience who brought in some bats , it was brilliant they are lovely little creatures they look abit like flying mice but I thought they were gorgeous and I can't think why any one would be scared of them. We also have a house martins nest on the side of the house but they haven't come back yet. WE haven't heard the cuckoo yet either. But the flowers around here are amazing the field s are full of cowslips and bluebells now , dogviolets and anemonies, to name but a few. When we walk the dogs up Cannimore woods we often see deer and Buzzards. I like going really early in the morening before other people re about or lateish evening when it is quite because most people make far to much noise when they are out walking and that is why they never see anything. Driving the taxi I see Badgers and foxes, sometimes stoats or weasels and of course masses of Rabbits and Hares. Helene

  4. Frank the allotment is coming on great at the moment, not much room left now, but kept a patch for putting cabbage plants in soon.

    John Atkins

  5. HI Helene and John sorry for not answering your posts earlier but been busy bought a few new plants for the rhododendron beds ( to give more colour when the rhodos have finished flowering ) and our Bantams have caught the red mite , a couple the cock and one hen are quite of colour hope they recover.they are true breed Araucanian (they lay green eggs ) anyhow I had to treat the hen house to get rid of the bloody things.we used to be able to use Tar wash which was quite effective,but the authorities deem us,the public to be to stupid to use it sensibly. talking about Bats, Helene ,when we were living in wife having gone away I was alone in our farmhouse one Summer and I was woken one night by a wuffing it was bat flying around the bedroom .
    John I love cabbages but unfortunately I'm not aloud to eat them for the time being the same goes for beans etc but I've tried soon peas today in a Nasi Goring to no adverse effect. so I might try some peeled broad beans next with time I will probably be eating cabbage. I'll try some Kohlrabi next week.with luck if I can take them OK I'll be all-right with cabbage. I am starting on a new way for vegetable gardening if it work I'll let you know its a bit unconvenitable who knows it might work.Frank

  6. By the way I hear its frog day today ,I don't know what we are supposed to do with them though. maybe "Kiss them " ? frank


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