Friday, 29 April 2011

becks was improperly dressed.

Did you all watch the Regt reunion world wide on TV today . & did you see Beckinham wearing  his MBE on his R/H lapel. I thought you only wore it on that side if it was originally awarded to a dead relative. drinks all round I think Becks. Frank.


  1. I thought it was strange, I would have thought someone would have told him, but then again his tupid wife probably dressed him!!!!

  2. I thought it was strange, I would have thought someone would have told him, but then again his tupid wife probably dreesed him!!!!

  3. OBE . worn left shows he must have put it on in the mirror , why did he not wear his colleret
    still no member of the staff corrected him so they were t fault

  4. In certain cases OBE means "Other Buggers Efforts" Stands to reason don’t you think?

  5. If you look at a replay you will see him being told he was wearing it on the wrong lapel and later on you will see he changed it over.

  6. He shouldn!t have worn it at all.Not the done thing, wearing at a wedding.
    (Not good ettiquet!!!) spelling)

    Regards Doug

  7. Why does Victoria B always look like she has just licked p*ss off of a nettle. After all, she is hardly carrying the worries of the world is she?

  8. Mrs "B" is never happy unless she is the centre of attention, in this case she wasn't. I don't know if you have ever noticed that when HE is the centre of attention regarding a photo shoot, she is always posing in some form or other. Stupid woman. Just as an aside a friend of mine actually taught her when she was at school, although he says that he can't remember much about her as an individual. Silly woman is certainly making up for not being remembered in her former life.

  9. "She may be carrying the worries of the world, you will never know what those two will surprise us with,it might turn out to be a female Führer or another President Bush.

  10. I was at the wedding dressed in jeans, black sequinsed top, fluffy slippers, snacks and some champers...and the media didn't even focus on me...dam!

  11. That must have been a pretty site, but the champers sounds good .

  12. From the names of some of those invited I would'nt have gone even with an invite,and I'd have written back and said why I was not attending!!!!Its a "Queer" world!!!!

  13. Now Don dont go and get all bitter on us .do you think the aussiedame watched it only to see all those dashing men in uniform

  14. Nothing surprises me anymore John - was booking a hotel the other day and in the small print it said "gay friendly" - guesss what I did with that booking?Hope you are all enjoying the fine weather we are getting,its hardly rained since March,the crops and flowers are parched,the forest fire warnings are at "red",and my water bill for keeping the garden alive will be a bit of a shock!
    New BBQ on the way!

  15. my garden and allotment is the same , water buts empty now they are on there own, i only water my two greenhouses, but they say we shoud get rain this week.

  16. I use loads off humus in my beds so there is little need to water them but because I am sitting on top of an underground lake ,the water has (due to a geological fault ) too many trace elements so its not fit for human consumption I do use the pumps when its hot just to freshen the plants up its also a supplier of nutrients and only cost a couple of kilowatts.frank

  17. now remind me someone whats the connection between us and the eaton boat song? frank

  18. Ha, ha...ajeps! I had eyes only for the bride and groom and the bridal party and what the royal family members were wearing. Wouldn't have gone near Beckham for fear of the look on Victoria's face, she is frightening. Can't figure her she afraid of smiling because she may have teeth missing? or her mouth doesn't extend any further into a smile? or perhaps, someone told her she looks extremely beautiful when she keeps a straight face! or could it be that she really has nothing to smile about...maybe she is very bored or fed up with the world. Who knows! She is attractive and could be more so if only she wouldn't be so stern looking! That's my view anyway.

  19. Ah yes,I agree,the world is a better place if seen through smiling eyes!


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