Sunday, 1 February 2009

Heavy and light Brigade cavalry


Can any one tell me what was the differences between Heavy and light Brigade cavalry ? was it what they carried  or the horses The reason i ask is my exservicmans club is going to hold a  BALACLAVA dinner in oct and being the only ex-cavalryman in the club of mostly ex navy they have ask me for info (help)

thanks steve


  1. I did know but I've since forgotton the official answer Steve. However, as I recall, it had nothing to do with the size or weight of the horses.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Hi Steve, At the time of the Crimea War the main difference was in the tactics used. The heavy cavalry (Dragoons & Dragoon Guards), tended to be heavier (taller) soldiers & subsequently mounted on heavier horses. These were the shock troops - what you may call to-day the heavy armour. They were armed with carbines & swords. The light cavalry (Lancers & Hussars) were mounted on smaller faster mounts & were used as recce troops amongst other things. They were armed with lances, swords & carbines. The Battle of Balaclava was a success for the heavies but as we know the Light Brigade suffered at the hands of the Russian guns. Certainly by the Boer War 1899-1902 all the cavalry were mounted on similiar sized horses. Anthing specific please ask.

  3. Have a read of this, CLICK on this link
    M Henchion (paddy H)

  4. Hi Steve,

    As far as I know the Royal Dragoons never celebrated Balaclava as a special day or even held a dinner it was always Waterloo Day 18th June.


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