Tuesday, 24 February 2009

BAOR-just info!

Hello again!
I don't know if this\ is allowed or not, but I thought I'd try anyway!
This is the link to another Website which may interest you and your members.
I have been a member for a little while, and they are always looking for material (photos, addresses, contact etc..).
There may already be some of your members registered here, but it's interesting as well!
You may have to copy/paste the link into your address bar, but I hope it will be of interest!



  1. As Derek has said profile needs filing in but I take onboard the need to indentifi every one as we are covering a very wide time frame now
    1939 throught to 1969 the last 60 years of the Old Birds life before she was put on a Blue background
    So my first four 2387 started in Sept 1961 lets see if we can get a set of numbers and dates

  2. good job the internet didn't exist in the 17th Century....!

  3. Phew! At last ,got rid of my 'peek-boo' shot.

  4. Oh yeah???????Think Derek did this as he hates someone drinking their Jamiesons out of the bottle now he has to take his from the glass!
    I taught I taw a puddy-cat-------!!!!


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