Wednesday, 27 October 2010

get on PARADE !!!

There 's life out there, but not as we know it .

All stations 1 RD sit rep


  1. C Sqn present and correct awaiting further orders to advance in troop order :)

  2. A sqn also present and correct awaiting formation of B sqn.

  3. Typical of HQ and B sqdns in the NAAFI again.......

  4. Where are the remaining 161 the bowler and the walking stick are losing their authority wouldn't you say Johnie . I see this has been viewed 73 times by 31 people so speak to me I might even tell you a story, about the schizophrenic bird of prey I once had given me and was promptly raped by my bantam. Frank

  5. B Sqn present but busy as Don R is trying to catch a trout for PD Reids breakfast while the rest of the Sqn brew a cuppa in the drizzle!Oh yes - happened quite often,B Sqn on the marsh,Sqn Ldr stops on a bridge,then on the air "4A to me with spare ariels"And the insulting advice from some of those Troopers like "put some salt on that worms tail,try a 36 grenade its quicker,looks like youir promotion is up the creek Sarge!!!!But I usually managed him a trout for breakfast,but the cook usually made a hash of the cooking!On the ranges at Hohne I knew a secret tiny spring,and from its waters caught many a brown trout,thought it was my secret till I caught Stan Cummings poaching on my estate!He did'nt have a rod with him,but I was missing some 36 granades from the ammo compound,and as he had a brace of trout I was pretty sure------------!!!!!

  6. I don't know wot your on Don, it sounds good is it legal.frank

  7. We fed well in Skip Edwards' Troop. When out on "Schemes" from Wolfenbuttel he kept his dog Jess in the turret of the Daimler. She was a cross between a Labrador and a whippet. Whenever we spotted a rabbit or a hare we'd pull up quick and out would go Jess like greased lightning and come back with one for the pot! Then there was thetime "Bunny" Austin shot a deer - but that's another story!

  8. B SQN present but this site awaiting a temporary posting, will tell more in a few days.

  9. Think in the spring will motor up to Soltau and see if I can find that spot with the brown trout.As I remember it was near FP 12?.And do any of you remember the village of Dorfmark and the fantastic mushroom omletes they produced.
    Oh happy days indeed!

  10. Hi everyone my posting has come through i leave for south australia at the end of the week , three months i will give you all a call when i get back
    john (jp)

  11. All the best John and don't forget to call back!

    Can we stand down please Frank?

  12. Hoping you have a great time John, we will all like to know everything that you got up to on your return. have a safe journey.

    John Atkins

  13. That's the punishment given out by mr Ffolkes for damaging his Dorset bridges, so serves you right! enjoy Frank.

  14. Have a great time John,sure you will meet up with many of our friends for great memories!

  15. Hmm. Wish I had known about the burn at Soltau. All well here but very wet. ponies nor happy at least not cold yet. Tim

  16. In case anyone noticed I've been AWOL for a couple of days got a medical cert!!!!On Thurs,after X rays and blood testing ,my doc sent for me a said he was not happy with either.So there and then he phoned me a bed in the Lemgo KKH,one hour later I was there being tested for just about everything,then up in a bed,light lunch,and told tomorrow we are gonna give you a good going over.So the next morning I wake up,looking forward to a brekkie,but it was not to be.Wheeled down for a scan in the tube,then various other places,ending up where they put half the hospital down my gully to look at my lungs(lovely pictures,just like the moon)THen back up to my ward,an hour later a very charming lady doc came to see me with masses of pictures,and telling me all was okay with my bits and pieces,and I could go home.So still coughing a bit,but feeling much better,I even managed to get to town today for a bit of shopping,so now you have it,hope you have a good weekend - and don't forget your 'flu jab AND the one for your lungs!!!!!!!

    Cough cough


  17. 250738 is late on parade take his name, he can use his number for the rest of the day. I see that he has ponies,well that explains it lots of work.we inherited 3 of them from our little boy. the last one died 4 years ago aged 35.I could tell more stories about them than about my house

  18. Don did you have your flu jab before you went into Hosp ? after my stroke ,and discharge from hosp I
    went for my flu jab that evening I took my pills and reacted very badly. sneezed coughed spat.fought for breath couldn't lie down spent 10 days without sleep walking around the living room doc treating me for bronchitis, in the end my wife called the emergency doc she arrived and said "you have bronchial asthma"so I have added a "Puffer to my medicine taken 3weeks but I'm getting over it. in future he can stick his bloody flu jab up his own ßßßßßß.you know I had this asthma as a kid but I traded it in for pubic hairs 65 years ago.I 'spose its because they are now falling out that asthma has returned

  19. Frank,
    Yes,I had my flu jab last year end November,so I should have been okay.But the new jab protects you against lung problems,so the CO said "as soon as you're fit thats for you"!Feel like a pin cushion some times.But boys,do have your flu jab if you wanna have your share of the pension fund.This was my first cold for ages,so it made up for lost time,but feeling better today,maybe can have a go at the couple of million leaves on my lawn!

  20. its significant to note that in the news last week Glaxco smith etc were fined was it 400,000,000-
    pounds for putting some dodgy vaccine on the market,some 50,0000 went to the whistle blower.
    as I said to the MO in hobart bks when he wanted to give me a jab against yellow fever. "how many germans do you see out there with yellow fever. Frank

  21. I don't take the flu jab , because the onlky year I have ever had flu is the year I took The Jab. SO they can tell me what they like ,but I just don't trust it , The asthma inhaler is bad enough I been through must of them and the only one that works with out to much hassle is the Ventolin. The rest make the symptoms twice as bad, I' ve had it for most of my life without it being diagnosed, and managed to stay alive so I will carry on as I am thanks Helene

  22. Don ,Tell me why would you want to rid your lawn of the leaves apart from the Bull shit aspect where is the Rhyme or the reason for it everyone seems to want to do it WHY???

  23. Likewise here Helene. I rang my surgery to book a flu jab before going to France but told I couldn't' have one till the end of October. Needless to say... I got flue while in FRANCE!! And my surgery now tells me, due to reorganisation, they now only give flu jabs on Saturday afternoons, NOT ON A WEEK DAY!!!! So if they think I'm queuing up in the pouring rain then they've got another think coming! However I do need to find out about this other jab, the one that prevents you getting pneumonia as this one seems to be a more worthwhile pain-in-the-ass!

  24. Likewise here Helene. I rang my surgery to book a flu jab before going to France but told I couldn't have one till the end of October. Needless to say... I got flue while in FRANCE!! And my surgery now tells me, due to reorganisation, they now only give flu jabs on Saturday afternoons, NOT ON A WEEK DAY!!!! So if they think I'm queuing up in the pouring rain then they've got another think coming! However I do need to find out about this other jab, the one that prevents you getting pneumonia as this one seems to be a more worthwhile pain-in-the-ass!

  25. Stan,
    I think what you mean is the COPD vaccine . COPD stands for Chronic obstructive pulmony is however 2 illnesses 1/ chronic bronchitis 2/ emphysema. no I have-nt had it but maybe
    I shall soon wish I had though will see on wednesday when I see the the specialist Frank

  26. Just found it on the NHS website Frank - called the "pneumonia vaccine"

    SO WHO SHOULD GET THIS VACCINE...... Everyone age 65 years or older.

    Will find out from the surgery tomorrow. The reason I mention this is because in addition to the flue I had (real bad chest) I kept getting this 'Drowning' sensation and it wasn't very pleasant!

  27. Frank,
    According to my gardner you shoulde keep your lawn free of a covering of leave otherwise it goes brown amd mosses up.
    Reference flu jabs,as colds always seem to go to my lungs my doctor has advised the "pneumonia"one as soon as my present problem is completely cured!!!

  28. My wife has been feeding 3 abandoned baby hedgehogs again they have reached their ideal weight
    and should be in hibernation.but no they are still eating me out of house and home, probably because it is not cold enough yet which brings me to the question."if its not cold enough for the hedgehogs to go into hibernation, why is it that you lot are Hibernating ?

  29. Frank,
    I don't really think they are hibernating - its just that the amber liquid seems to keep the old heating plant going,and you sleep better too!Quite mild today - only -5c at midday,TV programmes for UK arrived two days late,but got my copy this morning from the Sally!The birds are eating me out of house and home,and a new Robin has appeared in the garden(found our old friend dead outside the front door yesterday,)dunno how many years he was around - but it was quite a few,and any trespassers were seen off double quick.Hope you all have a good weekend and watch it with the winter sports?

  30. Don, I was out side yesterday and there waiting for me was my old friend the blackbird, I have not seen him for weeks so I thought he must have died or a cat had had him a couple of weeks ago because one morning I looked out into the garden and noticed a lot of blackbird feathers on the lawn, but no there he was waiting for me to feed him and he was there again this morning so now I have to keep my eye out in case the starlings swoop down and take his food as they don't come in one's so he cannot see them off like he doe's when another blackbird comes along. and now as I have said before the troops are all being dragged around by their good ladies doing the xmas shopping and they are too cream crackered to come and mix with us on here after.

    John Atkins

  31. I think Don's right they are out in the pubs spending their winter fuel allowance .it looks as though we are in for a thaw this w/end thank goodness as I've still got 400 dwarf daffs to go in I'd got some 500 planted and some 25 azaleas before the snow came but its a bit difficult with only one hand .after my stroke in sept I only have use of 2 fingers of my left hand ,but I'm working on them I can at least move
    them now and I'm hoping to get the strength back in them . it was bloody hard finishing off the brickwork in the coach house but I got that last and ordered the floorboards today. so now you know where our winter fuel allowance went. frank

  32. Frank sorry to hear that you are having a bad time at the moment and hope that everything will get better for you soon, you seem to me to be a bloke that likes to punish himself with all this building work, how much longer do you think it will be before you get the work finished completely.
    wishing you all the best Frank but don't work yourself to death, because at the end of the day is it worth it.

    John Atkins

  33. John,yes I agree,Frank - take it easy,Rome was'nt built in a day.And all this talk about fuel allowance,never heard of it here,maybe Englands problems stem from keeping old soldiers warm?Freezing rain forcast for some - hope its not here - nothing worse,the car stays in the garage when freezing rain hits us!
    Watch it underfoot!"Dig those heels in"

  34. Well thank you gents, I'm ok but just impatient it will get better ,I'm sure it was worse after I came out of Hosp and got that lung infection, I was convinced at the time that it was due to the flu jab, its now been confirmed it the german newspaper today, the government must pay compensation to a certain people because of it and it seems they have lots more of this serum in store that will last 'till next winter,it is the pig flu part that they added apparently. frank

  35. Yesterday eve we had -7 deg C in the night we had more snow, this morning we have + 2.4 deg C rain and it is thawing. you see if winter is there can spring be far away, I wonder if I will manage to get my last bulbs planted this week. whats it like in wetmold Don? Frank

  36. Got up this morning,made the CO a cup of coffee in bed,had brekkie,then out to tackle last nights snowfall.Got outside - surprise-surprise,its raining,got half the drive clear,rain turns back to snow,and its been belting down wet snow all day,will have to do the driveway again shortly before it FREEZES!
    Hope you are all in the warm again in UK?


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