Sunday, 3 October 2010

C Sqn HQ Troop Tidworth

Welcome Ray, this one's for you Mate.Thats me in the white jacket.


  1. what about a few names then.who is the one in white jacket..Colin Rixon i think
    regards Derek Leese

  2. Yes thats me in the white jacket Colin (Pixie) Rixon,
    From l-R Coleman, Sgt John Matthews, Cpl Ray Dixon,Capt Hamilton Russel, Cpl Cook, Me, Next Can't remember Sorry? Ray Kendon bent at knees, kneeling Jeff Rudge played 12 string guitar.

  3. Those were the day's when we all wore collars and ties, can you imagine if they had to dress like that today

  4. The only one I can name is Hamilton - Russel

  5. I can recognise left to right Brian Coleman, John Matthew, Jake Hamilton, next one looks like Ken Cook, Colin Rixon the others I'm not sure.

  6. The one next to Colin is Partridge (can't remember his 1st name), just out of camera shot and the one holding the cigarette is Ken Adams, the one kneeling is Geoff Rudge, between Sgt. M. and H-R is Ray Dixon(?).

  7. Partridge (ROY) went to Para Sqn at Tidworth

  8. I remember before we were allowed to go out in civvies we had to go before the Sqn leader to let him decide if we were tidy enough to be allowed out This was in 57 at wesendorf No teddy boys outfi or blue suede shoes.t

  9. ray kendon, i gordon marsh c sqn tidworth and ipoh malaya i recon the fifth one is ken cook,hi ken?
    where is jake kilmartin,ken newton, mitch ???,ginger daws. any one there remember pamela and gordon marsh ???? thats me in aussie now,email:

    regards pam n' gordon.


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