Sunday, 10 October 2010

dress regulations (mufti)

I've just heard that the Bowler is making a come back.

who is responsible for that I wonder ?

Leese for P.M. ?!


  1. Lets hope it catches on..would like to see more at the next reunion,, got to say it would make my day to short arse Denis Sowerby in a Bowler
    regards Derek Leese

  2. Fame at last Derek. The man who rejuvenated the Bowler.

  3. DEREK got that bowler when he was in the BLUES &ROYALS lol

  4. More importantly, does this herald the return of Honor Blackman in long boots ??

  5. Hi Derek,how much are we going to get for wearing a Bowler? Come on Lads lets show Derek He's not the only one who can look as good as Him.

    Keith Shaw.

  6. Come on,lets show him He's not the only one who can look good in a bowler. How about a competition on the Saturday night and let the Ladies choose the winner. I will donate a bottle of Whiskey to the winner.
    Keith Shaw.

  7. You have got to be joking

  8. And I thought they were old hat now ???????

    John Atkins

  9. We had this discussion on the old B&R Site. My first reuniun in Hyde Park March. I wore my Beret with Regt. Eagle.
    After the Parade I was quitely ridiculed by ex Blues for wearing a Beret & Blazer.Should have worn a Suit & Bowler plus Brolly.
    After that Parade I wore the same at every March Past including Nov. Parades (RBL)

    Regards Doug.

  10. think i may have won that bottle.well lets see how it goes;lots of nice BOWLERS on Ebay
    regards Derek Leese

  11. I reckon you might be right Derek, but you know what happened with the last bottle you were given, you came on parade the next morning in s### t order.

    John Atkins

  12. DOUG i hope you told the ex blues what to do with there bowlers?

  13. Poor old man can not take it any more

  14. We're all being bowled over.

  15. I think i would have told the ex blues where to go . and if they did not like it they would have to lump it

  16. They where told in strong terms.
    I loved it when visiting the Sen. NCOs Mess after the Parade. Standing in the Bar wearing my Blazer and Eagle Badge.
    When next you visit,go to the stables. Blues & Royals Mounted Sqn. Look in the tack room.
    Every door inside has a Large Eagle (105) glued to the outside of the door.
    The lads (Blues & Royals) are very proud of their Eagle.
    Some ex-Blues don!t like that either.
    Regards Doug.

  17. I'll tell you a story ,Who is that groaning again ? when I was the RSM of PSA Sennelager I was impressed by the respect they all had for the eagle. mind you the regt was run by Stu Sibley (when he wasn't playing golf ) and Fruitbat his boss ,there was also a hand full of young officers who were the sons of some young Royals officers when I served .
    But I mayby partly to blame for changing the Status Quo. you see in the front of the Officers mess

  18. S###T pressed the wrong button .start again as you can see I am in the prime of my senility.
    I'll tell you a story.(who was that groaning ) when the Regt was in Sennelager I was pleased to see how much the Eagle was respected there mind you the Regt was run by Stu Sibley (when he wasn't playing golf. and his boss Fruit-bat there was also a handful of young officers whose Fathers had been young Royals officers when I served.of course it helped that the Col of the regt was a Royal. However I might have been partly to blame for any animosity that crept in
    in my capacity as RSM of the PSA Sennelager I redesigned the landscape to the front of the officers mess of Athlone Bks (home of the regt ) to do this I had to have the self seeded Robinia trees removed and on of the cornets decided that he would be an environmental terrorist and put his self between a tree and the chainsaw operator. who just happened to be my son. I received reports that a rainbow was seen coming from the nether regions of the young man as my son
    put his running chainsaw between his legs and revved up. I was called to the site and recognised the protester but he didn't recognise me he lived in the next village to me in the UK and he used to come to the farm next to mine sniffing after farmers daughter he pontificated to me about the enviroment in his lad-dy Dar tones ,I just looked at im and grinned like then I sez toim "Yer why dosn't thee Talk proper like yer do at 'ome you when you'd be sniffing arfter Albert's Daughter
    well you he went red as a beetroot ,white as a sheet but not half as what he did a year later when I was at a Barbq at my neighbours farm ,he were you but didn't stay long after I told my story
    any how he got a barrack damage for time wasted because the contractor had to stop work for 2 hours. Anyhow I replanted the garden with a group of azaleas called golden eagle and some maroon coloured rhododendrons called nova zembia and a blue flowering rhodo called BLUE TIT !

  19. Question ? What does "Comment deleted at the request of the author" mean after my post.
    Regards DOUG.

  20. Doug, maybe someone started a comment and made a mistake so deleted it and started again.

    John Atkins

  21. Mea culpa sorry but don't ask how I done it ,I don't know Frank

  22. Just put it down to a senior moment.

  23. Not to worry we all get them sometimes.

    John Atkins

  24. But what happens when a senior moment lasts for hours

  25. Sorry Frank , I can!t remember.
    Regards Doug.


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