Many happy returns of the day to Sandra Saunter for the 1st November, hoping that you have a nice day, with best wishes.
John Atkins
Many happy returns of the day to Sandra Saunter for the 1st November, hoping that you have a nice day, with best wishes.
John Atkins
There 's life out there, but not as we know it .
All stations 1 RD sit rep
Many happy returns of the day for the 19th to William Roy, hoping you have a good day.
Best wishes
John Atkins
A little birdie the eagle tells me it was Freds Birthday yesterday, so I send you my belated wishes, hope you had a good day.
John Atkins
Sad to read today on the B&R website of the death of Jock Sweeny. (18 Sept. 2010)
We will all remember Jock as Regt. MP.
My wife Joan travelled with Jocks wife and children in the same cabin on the "Nevasa" from Southhampton to Aden and then on to Penang.
R.I.P. Jock. A Royal Thru! & Thru.
Condolences to his Family.
Doug & Joan Best.
Tuesday, October 5 |
On 20th October, the Coalition will be announcing their spending cuts. Liam Fox (Minister) has defended the need to protect our Defence budget, however there will still be cuts, and so it is critical that we tell the politicians that the rumoured axing of regiments, particularly the Gurkhas, is a big mistake.
Please give your support by signing the petition at:-
I've just heard that the Bowler is making a come back.
who is responsible for that I wonder ?
Leese for P.M. ?!
I think you will like Paddys work ex 17/21 Lancer Cpl start with how far to lashkar gar
Happy birthday --DEREK for the 5th hope you have a good day.and i hope you and CHRISTINE are keeping well