Sunday, 31 October 2010


Many happy returns of the day to Sandra Saunter for the 1st November, hoping that you have a nice day, with best wishes.

  John Atkins



Wednesday, 27 October 2010

get on PARADE !!!

There 's life out there, but not as we know it .

All stations 1 RD sit rep

Friday, 22 October 2010


To all members,

I have now changed my computer and from now on my NEW Email address IS:-

John Atkins


'Soldiers Wife' song

Don't know if you have heard this but I've just been blown away by this song, 'Soldiers Wife' written and sung by a young trainee nurse. Listen too it here:
Download is free but please make a donation at Forces Poetry :


Monday, 18 October 2010


Many happy returns of the day for the 19th to William Roy, hoping you have a good day.

Best wishes

John Atkins

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Birthday Greetings

A little birdie the eagle tells me it was Freds Birthday yesterday, so I send you my belated wishes, hope you had a good day.

John Atkins

La Coupole, France

WWII underground V1 & V2 Rocket Site museum in the Pas de Calais

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


Notification From Household cavalry Home HQ - The Passing of a ColleagueTuesday, 12 October, 2010 10:58From: "Paul Stretton" View contact detailsTo: "Paul Stretton" Dear Member of The Blues and Royals Association,

Belatedly, I must sadly report that 23134491 CoH John Sweeney (73) passed away at home away after a long illness on Saturday, 18 September 2010. John, who was referred to as “Jock the Lock” when the Provost CoH, served from April 1955 to November 1972 initially with the 1st Royal Dragoons and then with The Blues and Royals. A funeral service has already been held.

The condolences of the Association have gone to his partner, Ethel at this sad time.


O God, in whose sight all creatures are manifest and to whose eyes all things are open, grant that the works Thou requirest of the 1st The Royal Dragoons may never be done to be seen of men, but always for Thy Glory, and that, waiting on Thee to renew our strength, we mount up with wings as eagles at Thy word, through Jesus Christ Our Lord.


PF Stretton

CoH John Sweeny (Jock)

Sad to read today on the B&R website of the death of Jock Sweeny. (18 Sept. 2010)

We will all remember Jock as Regt. MP.

My wife Joan travelled with Jocks wife and children in the same cabin on the "Nevasa" from Southhampton to Aden and then on to Penang.

R.I.P. Jock.  A Royal Thru! & Thru.

Condolences to his Family.

Doug & Joan Best.

Monday, 11 October 2010

re dress regulations.

Sorry geordie. derick wore a white bowler in the far east here is a photo to prove it. Frank

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Petition to save The Gurkha Regiments.

Tuesday, October 5

On 20th October, the Coalition will be announcing their spending cuts. Liam Fox (Minister) has defended the need to protect our Defence budget, however there will still be cuts, and so it is critical that we tell the politicians that the rumoured axing of regiments, particularly the Gurkhas, is a big mistake.

Please give your support by signing the petition at:-

dress regulations (mufti)

I've just heard that the Bowler is making a come back.

who is responsible for that I wonder ?

Leese for P.M. ?!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

xmas 1961 Ipoh

now we know who the guy is getting even more p***ed on schnapps ( I bought it in a supermarket in Ipoh (honest 2 ltrs of the stuff )but who is that next to me I cant remember his name in fact I cant remember much about that evening, if you were there and remember Don't tell the others about my might ruin my reputation. Frank


Can anyone identify this object? Answers on a postcard please.

Seen at Brooklands in Surrey.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

try this   

I think you will  like  Paddys work ex 17/21 Lancer  Cpl      start with how far to lashkar gar


Monday, 4 October 2010

derek robertson--BIRTHDAY

Happy birthday --DEREK  for the 5th hope you have a good day.and i hope you and CHRISTINE are keeping well


Sunday, 3 October 2010

C Sqn HQ Troop Tidworth

Welcome Ray, this one's for you Mate.Thats me in the white jacket.


Welcome to the BB RAY hope you find some old pals..RAY served in C SQN and HQ SQN in the late 1960.s. is now living in Detmold
regards Derek Leese