Friday, 4 June 2010

PJM Medal

This is a recent photo taken of the presentation for the PJM Medal that took place in Shrewsbury, I had a phone call some time ago asking if I had received mine as they were putting together a list so I presume this is where I would have to have gone, but I told the gentleman that I had already received mine in the post nearly two years previously, so for those that may be waiting you may still be able to get it yet.


  1. Hi John I applied for my medal over two years ago, have you any real idea of the waiting time for this medal Regards Ray.

  2. Like you John, I received mine 2 years ago.

  3. All I can say Ray keep on to them by phone, don't give up ,you will get it in the end if you persist.

    As I said I had a phone call asking if I was still waiting by what I now believe was for the recent awards night.

  4. I see there is another photo in the local paper tonight about the Medal Award at Shrewsbury area again.

  5. I received mine at a ceremony in New Zealand two years ago. I had applied for it in 2006. Fred at the NMBVA has done a lot of work to get these medals to people, but there seems to be a hold up in the manufacture of these medals in Malaysia.

  6. Good morning Gentlemen, How does one apply for this award ? Tom

  7. Go to the NMBVA web site you will find a application form there.

  8. Thank's for the infomation , I get on to that right now. Tom

  9. Yes Tom the NMBVA have to vet all applications for the PJM. However you don't have to be a member of this association in order to apply or receive one. As I understand it there are some 17,000 applications still outstanding so don't hold your breath!

    The PJM comes in a presentation box together with a miniature, ribbon bar and Citation Certificate. Most PJMers prefer to keep it this way and purchase a separate replica for wear. You can purchase a separate replica for approx £39 from one of the following websites:

    You can also purchase one from this (less expensive) Australian website for ($31.90 = £18.70 + postage? + vat?) This is where I purchased mine from and can thoroughly recommend them.

    Best of luck.

  10. Thank you very much for the web sites Stan , the one in australia looks a good one , once again thank's Tom

  11. I applied for mine last year but have not herd a word since.

  12. thank the lord i'm nothing if not patient , will call soon john ,just found your number . Tom


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