Friday, 4 June 2010


Appologies for not being on here for awhile gents. My wife Barbara sends her thanks to all who sent messages and cards when she was at deaths door. It really rings home when even those whom she does not know were concerned for her welfare. As Funeral Directors,we are fully aware of how fragile life is especially as our use by date gets closer.I have made contact with Paul Martin and Willy Creavin both ex band members. Willy has a home in Tasmania and is now I believe in Ceylon. Paul is in sunny Sarfend.

Hope the weather is not to hot for you,if so tie four knots in thecorner of your hankey and put it on yer head and dont forget to roll your trousers up and wear your socks and sandals when on the beach.


  1. Hi Paul and Barbara,
    Great to hear from you again,hope things are now on the up and we can expect some input from you again,but take it easy,get well first.
    Best wishes from sunny Detmold

    Don and Edith

    PS very hot,hankies are required.but the lubrication has to come out of the bottle!

  2. Hi Paul & Barbara -- Best wishes to you both.Glad to hear you are both on your feet.
    Its 3-30 in the afternoon here, 28c. Putting my shorts on and going to a friends 65th. Birthday down on the river here at Yarm. Will make sure I wear a hat this time.

    Regards Doug and Joan

  3. Hi Paul & Barbara,

    Pleased to hear that you are both now back to your good health, as you know we might all live a long distance apart but we are all still part of the old 1st Royal Dragoons family until the light goes out for the last comrade.


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