Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Dhobi anyone or going to the cinema


  1. The 'Flying' dhobi was ground based then Frank?...............just asking!

  2. That a sight for sore eyes , where was this taken from

  3. where was this taken.i cant place it

  4. that was the time when the SQMS of Asqdn took over the Laundry contract to help finance his radio ham activitys ( he the one who wears a Bowler hat these days ) Only a joke "Q" sorry Sir !!
    it was taken from A sqdn office at Ipoh , Frank

  5. Derek, Frank would not be referring to you by any chance, if so put him on a charge for insubordination

  6. I can stand a rep , I think. Frank

  7. Frank if you are going to the Reunion make sure you get me to buy you a drink or maybe 2 if you get ur hair cut

  8. "get ur hair cut". Is that why you've got a question mark at the back of your mugshot now Frank? Don't stand for it, there's a new law against being bullied now mate!
    Anyway, as for "where was this taken" & "i cant place it". The AKC Cinema Ipoh (recent photos) was where the band made a number of recordings from in 1961, not least Lerner & Loewe's "Gigi ". As I recall there was an officer in the regiment who had a good ear for music and who had just purchased a brand new up-to-date Grundig tape recorder. Now this officer may well be Mr James Hamilton-Russell? I don't know, but what I do know is that this officer also had a double-barrelled name? So we now not only have pictures to remind us of Ipoh but also 'authentic' music to go with them too!

  9. Must have been from the Hill .by C Sqn .or up by the Band Hut ?

  10. it was taken from outside the A sqdn office or that little hut behind it, I'm sure ....I think


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