Saturday, 27 June 2009


Welcome to JOHN SULLIVAN  the son of FRANK  who served from 1964/70 later years 68/70 in Bsqdn any of the sqdn remember him



  1. I remember him.Johns dad was in B SQN..SHQ TROOP RADIO OPERATOR 1968 ...1969. his name was O'Sullivan.John i hope you can dig out few photo,s of your Dad and post them on the BB.hope you find your way around the BB.IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS LET ME OR JOHN ATKINS KNOW

  2. John a belated welcome to the BB, sorry not posted sooner as I have been busy on next years reunion, I hope that you maybe able to get your dad interested on joining us all on the BB as I am sure he will be made most welcome. As Derek has said if you have problems finding your way around the BB we are always here to help.

    Regards John A

  3. Hello Derek and John, very many thanks to you for your warm welcome to your fabulous site. If you care to take a look at my home page I have added a photo of my father, dated 1964. May help to jog some memories! I am working on getting him to join in his own right but may very well communicate through me! He's not a big fan of computers. All the best for now.
    Kindest regards, John

  4. Just put DAD,S photo on the BB

  5. I will be looking forward to the photos


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