Saturday, 15 November 2008

Framed Blazer Badges

A Sample of Trevor Collet's framing. Cost £25.00


  1. Trevor Collett Purchased all the Blues & Royals stock of Royals Items Buttons, Badges etc If any Royals are intrested his phone number is 01895 832375. Trevor is a good friend of the Royals even though he is ex Blues.

  2. Not so sure I don't prefer the original Blazer Badge:-

    Similar to today's "Blues & Royals" but with the Royal crest (lion) in the centre and Eagle perched outside on top. (Wesendorf/Herford era)


  3. Has Trevor an e mail address as I've tried to ring him with a view to buying a blazer badge but with no success.

  4. Don, I have just spoken to Trevor, his number is as above 01895 832375 I am not sure of the prefix from Germany. His mobile number is 07846 018341. Email Trevors main phone should go onto answer phone mode after a while. I will send his address to you by email, can you send yours to me as a check as I have 2 addresses for you and not sure of the right one.



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