Tuesday, 18 November 2008


Bert Butterworth & Capt (Maj) Dimond inspecting Royals Germany


  1. Bert Butterworth and Capt Dimond centre, anyone able to name anone else?

  2. im sure those photo,s were taken when A SQN went to BERLIN IN 1947 so little b4 my time iwas there in 1949..the reason i say that is the Y SIGN and the ARM RANK BADGE your Dad is wearing i can explain that later regards derek

  3. Thanks for the info Derek I was unsure of the actual date of photo, all info appreciated,
    many thanks
    John butterworth

  4. We were soldiers once and proud. Jack Diamond could remember everyone in his Squadron and their Regt Number.

  5. The more i look at these phot,s the more i think they were not taken in Berlin..the Div sign worn on the ARM is that of the 5th INFANTRY DIVISION .I think the ROYALS were part of the RECCE REGTS attached to the 5th inf div.that dates the photo,s around 1945-1946 time.maybe JIM LEES can help or MAJ DIMOND

  6. Hello Trooper 847
    Pleased you enjoyed the photograph.
    John Butterworth

  7. Royals Reunion/Denmark trip, Bert Butterworth Chelsea Pensioner, anyone able to name others left to right?

    All help appreciated
    John Butterworth

  8. John got any idea what date that was taken even the year would help.cant put names to faces at the moment......derek

  9. John the Standard bearer looks like Skip Edwards

  10. Hello John (trooper847)

    Thanks for the information, the photograph was taken in Demark 1995, the occasion was the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Liberation.

    Will write the name of the identified Royals on the back of photograph.

    Many thanks
    John Butterworth

  11. Hello Derek (delboy370)
    The photograh was taken1995, in Denmark, the 50th aniversary of their Liberation.

    Any names remembered will be appreciated, wlii add names to rear of photograph,

    John Butterworth

  12. Hi John,

    I received your email regarding Major Balfour but my reply was returned - can you email me directly at jimlees@tiscali.co.uk Regards, Jim


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