Please read the message that Multiply have put at the top of the home page , It appears that they are now pulling out of the Social Networking and so it looks as if we will have to maybe migrate to another Social Networking site before the 1st of December.
John Atkins
It might be worth the consideration of setting up a P2P forum site. Not difficult to get up and running but server fee' would be required. I hosted a forum on an American web server which also ran a web site that I had. There are plenty of UK based servers that are able to host forum boards.
ReplyDeleteHope this does not cause YOU too much trouble John.
ReplyDeleteHope this does not cause YOU too much trouble John.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a Time to reunite with our other Squadron
ReplyDeleteNo point in having two sites
Maybe a Time to reunite with our other Squadron
ReplyDeleteNo point in having two sites
if we move dont for get i am still here
ReplyDeleteAll the Best with this one John I'm sure we can leave it in your capable hands.
I agree with delmonte5322,merge in with Eagle 105, we already have the same members.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Merge with Eagle 105.
ReplyDeleteWe can we transfer Pic's, not sure about Vidio's, Tis can advize on this?
Pixie 191
I have never been happy with the Multiply site ,I'v said so on at least one occasion- and only used it out of loyalty to Derek Leese ,but now that ,sadly, he is no longer with us I think we should all use the Eagle 105.
Who's kidding who. Have you ever Googled "Eagle 105" - There's an Eagle 105.7, an Eagle 105 Manual, however if you go for just "Eagle 105" then all you'll get is Augusta's Classic Rock, with John Boy & Billy Mornings, and Nikki Sixx at Nights! Think I'll stick to facebook, thank you very much....
ReplyDeleteI think we are jumping the gun.remember this site was started on MSN.and then changed to multiply very easy,and it is a [ROYALS ONLY] site,We do not have the same members as the EAGLE 105club as they have NONE ROYALS such as RNF [infantry] BLUES, BLUES /ROYALS so how could you have a ROYALS reunion? MULTIPLY said that they will migrate us to another server SO PLEASE WAIT AND GIVE THEM A CHANCE
ReplyDeleteWell said STAN
ReplyDeleteIf we migrate with MULTIPLY we will not loose any photos
ReplyDeleteI agree with Denis, we do not need to jump the gun at this stage, Denis and I have tried to see how it was possible to get onto Proboard and we came across a lot of problems getting on there, after trying for ages we did manage to get onto a forum board but there was no way of adding new members and we think if anyone tried to get on there they would more than likely give up through frustration, also it is as Denis said we are a Royals only BB and we would come up with a load of problems as far as the reunion goes, sorry to say that if this was to be the case then I would have no alterative but to hand over the reunion to someone else and the BB, although I promised Derek that I would keep the BB going and so I do not want to let him down over this so I hope that we can find a way to carry on with another Social Networking site as Royals only BB.
ReplyDeleteJohn Atkins
We should leave it to John to make the decisions & then submit his comments to the members.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with Dennis!s comment about the RNF (infantry) We all know who he means and his comment was not called for. Just because there was "agro" between some members in the past, does not mean it has to continue,
Some of our members where in Infantry Regts.for NS & then joined the Royals.
The most outstanding, our Rep on the Blues & Royals Association Committee Fred Collingwood.
Regards to All. Doug.
stanw -- type in Add to favourites. Job Done.
ReplyDeleteRegards Doug.
p.s. Stan -- I am not teaching you to "suck eggs" I do realise you know your way around a computor & keyboard.
Doug the person i ment was NOT in the ROYALS ,so you got that one wrong,
ReplyDeleteDoug I have clicked on to what you put up and all I got was Web page not found, tried three times.
Dennis -- The only one I know in the RNF ( Royal Northumberland Fusiliers) is Mike Norman.
ReplyDeleteIf there are others that I do not know then I apologise
Regards Doug.
John -- After "105" went off air it took me 8 months to get back on.
ReplyDeleteIt also kept refusing me. Now I am back on I use what I posted to Stan & I get straight on.
Regards Doug.
Doug, I am on the 105 and I have it in favourites and get in from there.
Thank you Denis for a good bit of thought.
ReplyDeleteSorry Dennis, I have to dissagree with you there. The Eagle site was set up primarily for the benefit of ex-royals, the RHG/D don't forget were once Royal Dragoons and still are at heart. As for the other Regiments, they once had an affiliation or attachment to the Royals during their service. To exclude them simply because they did not leave on amalgamation is neither here nor there, to all intents and purposes they are 'Royal Dragoons'. Denis, please stop holding this grudge.
ReplyDeleteThose of you who wish to merge then please e-mail me and I will gladly admit you to the Eagle 105 club. Alot of you are already members, so dig out your user details and log in.
All are welcome.
Doug, I have opened your latest application and e-mailed you to that effect but with no response. What is your current e-mail address?
ReplyDeleteFor those that would like to register with the Eagle 105 club the URL is:
If the url does not appear here then it means that it has been removed by someone other than me.
Take a look at my posts of today.
It seems that my post ,stateing Eagle 105 website was not entirely correct ,my apologies for that, what should I have said was" go to google, type in eagle 105 club message board, and click on from there, I keep it on as a shortcut icon on desktop, one click and you are there every time.As for other comments, if I was a National Service man in the Reme--Signals-Cook etc serving in the Royals for the 2 years ,i would be saddened by these comments
ReplyDeleteIf I understand correctly (and I hope I don't), having served with the Regiment before and after amalgamation somehow disbars me . Apparently I have gatecrashed both this site and the last reunion!
ReplyDeleteGentlemen, these messages seem to be getting out of hand, I am of the opinion that some of you have some sort of grudge with regards to one anothers sites, may I please ask you to put your disagrements to one another through a private message or Email and not use this as your platform, if it proceeds I will have no alternative but to Delete this post, I do know that many of you including me are on the other sites and I do not have any problem with it as it is your choice and I respect that, as I have said in my post the other day if our members wish that we all move over to the Eagle 105 then I will have no alterative but to withdraw from arranging the Reunion as it could not be a reunion of exRoyals as the Blues and Royals would have to be included and I do know that is what Derek Leese did not want it to be, although Derek is no longer with us but it was what I promised him I would do and I will not go back on that promise so if it is going to be the case that you all wish to move to one of the other sites then as I have said that is to be YOUR CHOICE so be it.
ReplyDeleteJohn Atkins
I am posting a e-mail I received from Dennis which should explain to everyone.
ReplyDeleteHI TERRY just to clear things If the person was in or att to the ROYALS before 1969 they were ROYALS if after that they wthiere BLUES/ROYALS a[ NEW RGT] And we wanted a ROYALS only site.I personally have no problems now with you or the 1 0 5 CLUB.
This might seem ambiguos to some but the meaning is clear
As far as I am aware I have not admitted to the 105 club any who enlisted after 1969 into the RHG/D, I personally vet those that apply.
Having just tried at least 5 times to register on the 105 site (not successfully ) I might add, it looks like if the multiply site goes down I will probably go with it, shame but there we are.
ReplyDeleteDave 118
I think i will be going the same way Dave ( shame).
ReplyDeletecome on guys give john a chance to see what he can come up with, just for the record i am with john on this one
Just give it time and i am sure everything will be ok ,and we wil get a ROYALS site again.have faith,
ReplyDeleteCome on guys, don't give up yet I am working on getting us on another site, have checked proboards out but still have a way to go, we still have time until Multiply pull the plug and we never know they could move us to another site the same as happened when we were on MSN, if all else fails.
ReplyDeleteJohn Atkins
No worries I am more than happy to mark time till the move.
ReplyDeleteDave 118
Same here and I've not tried 105 yet. I tend to take the path of least resistance these days!
ReplyDeleteHey Guys,
ReplyDeletel go away for a week, and look what happens.
.....the mice will play????