Friday, 23 September 2011

Where is everyone

Since I came back from my short break it seems that everyone has disappeared from the Bulletin Board, I have noticed that there are a lot of members that have now gone on doing most of there postings on Facebook, has it now got to the stage where you are all not interested in the Royal Dragoons site any more, if this is the case do you wish it to be wound up, I have noiticed that there are only the odd one or two members that do postings on the other sites also, Derek, Denis, and myself are very disappointed that the site is not being used, I have put up requests asking members to inform me that they will be coming to the reunion next year and it seems that some members have not replied, I know that the Premier Inn has been fully booked for the 16 June but I have only got just over twenty that have informed me that they are booked in at this stage, I am doing my best to get the reunion organised and it would be a help if I knew roughly how many of you will be attending before I call in to see the new General Manager to get the costings, so may I ask you again to please inform me ASP.

John Atkins


  1. I realy do love this site even though i was ACC att i was always so proud of being to serve allong side the ROYALS but its allways so hard to get a responce from anyone so sometimes i wonder is it because i was attached & not one of the lads ? so thats why i am on face book.Please keep the site i will allways be proud to be an honery ROYAL .Brian Hill.

  2. I think it was that Muslim thing that killed it off John so go blame it on Roger (and Frank!) apart from the fact that I see some people are still on holiday? (Take three weeks off next time) Actually, this is a busy time of the year for me, what with the Legion AGM and preparing for the Poppy Appeal. So if you don't hear from me for a while then it's not because Y-O-U L-O-T A-I-N-'T I-N M-Y T-H-O-U-G-H-T-S !!

  3. I for one enjoy this site, John please keep up the good work. I will be at the next reunion. Yes, there are so many Sites we have all been members off. I try to log on to all once in a while. Sometimes add my 10 Pennies worth once in a while. I'm heading to Texas in a couple of weeks to see a Ferret Scout Mk2 I'm hoping to buy. As soon as I see it I'll put Pics up on this SITE 1st. If its in good condition and worth the price. I intend to put it in Regimental Decal's...

  4. Sorry John. No excuses. I will of course be at the reunion next year ( grim reaper permitting!) but it is too early yet to say if the missis will be joining me. I do enjoy the BB and would miss it were it not here. If I see something that makes me smile I have been known to make the odd daft comment or two until I think it is time to shut up! Will try harder in future to keep up! Am currently in Base Hospital having my ticker adjusted (nothing serious) so I have some time on my hands. Take care all of you that are in the UK still, it's going to be a spiteful Winter. Perhaps we should all rent a big old Nissen hit with a bog fat bellied stove and spend the Winter feeding it big chunks of coal and sit around it swapping 'do you remember when' tales.

  5. I didn't think I would be allowed at the reunion as Ji is no longer with me and I did n't really know many people from thr regiment as he had left and was at Kneller Hall when we got married it is only the Band members and musician I know quite well

  6. It is a pity, but all sites seem go through this problem. At first old friends reunite and there is a lot of getting to know each other again, but then the conversation seems to dry up. We could do with someone who could keep putting in conversation prompters. Like the rest though, I wouldn't like to see the site close.

  7. John,
    I do look in almost every day, but really haven't got enough news to keep posting and don't get any replies from the stuff so far. being in France dont know if I can make the next reunion but I WILL try. Your doing a great job pal...nil illegitimo carborundum ( dont let the bastards grind you down!)

  8. John,
    I must admit like Phil I look most days and have thought how quiet things have been but I put it down to the fact that every body was off on holiday and I'm sure many of you like me spend a lot of time in the garden then by the time you have had a meal you sit down to watch T.V. and fall a sleep. theirs also the fact that many of us have Grandchildren and we tend to spend day's out with them while they are on holidays. I hope to be at the reunion as I told Stan that I would pick up Don from the Airport if he is unable to do it. But I won't be staying the night.

    Keith Shaw.

  9. John,like other exBand members I rely on this site to keep in touch with whats happening.Facebooks not everyones cup of tea.Please keep up the good work.K.E.

  10. I am pleased to see that some of the members have put forward there comments today, I do understand that it is not always possible for everyone to post on the site on a regular basis but I am sure there are some members out of the 140 plus that do have something that they could put up for discussion no matter how trivial, as far as the reunion is concerned, it does not matter if you are a family member of anyone or attached or in the Band you will be most welcome to join us, plummy105 I hope that all is going well for you at the moment and hoping that we will see you in June, with other half or not, let me just say keep putting up the odd daft comment as you say, it gives us something to smile about and brighten our day. Even by today 53 members have looked in on this post and only 9 have put up a reply by 20.15 hrs.

    John Atkins

  11. I have been housebound since Easter with ulcerated feet so I havn't had much to comment on.Apart from having my dressings changed by a lovely band of District nurses life has been dull.At last this week I have had a hospital appointment to have my legs scanned on October 4th.

  12. Sorry to hear that Bob, I hope that all will turn out ok for you when you have the scan, keep us posted after you get the results.

    John Atkins

  13. Hiya John I did inform you that I will be attending reunion with my Son Richard and his good lady for the ususal long time catch up with me old mates .As it does give me some thing to look forward to ..As a fore thought am I still elegible for the Royals scroll asI didnt receive one at the last Reunion .Any way John your good work on this site is much appreciated by me .

  14. Stan, I know that you are a busy man with all that you do for RBL and now it is getting near that time for going onto the streets for the Poppy appeal and I appreciate all that you do on behalf of the :Legion, maybe you could put up the message that was on Facebook about the selling of poppies in certain areas as I am sure there are members that have not seen it and would like to give there views.
    Scouse, My sincere apologises with regard to the scroll if you can let me have your address I will do all I can to get one done for you, I know that you will be attending the reunion again as you will see that you are on the list on the BB.

    John Atkins

  15. Hi John, Just to let you know that this site is a great asset to us old and bold and a credit to you for running it. A massive apology to Brian Hill for not getting back to him, but my grasp on all things electrical (even after spending 2000 to 2009 as a REME SSGT VM) is not that good. Really hope you are on the mend Plummy as good Recce Troop soldiers are hard to get rid of. Pixie make sure the old FSC is 02 DA 04, my old bus.My wife and I are really looking forward to the reunion.

    Dave 118

  16. Hi all,
    Just got back from the Baltic,had a great holiday,weather perfect,hotel great,stood in the forest but on the banks of the Baltic.We arrived in time to see the great migration of tens of thousands of Cranes and Geese flying in to break their journey before flying further south in Oct/Nov.By road it was 450kms,a journey that took 5 hours - not too bad.Its still too early for me(an oldie)to commit myself so far ahead - but if I can I will be there for the re-union,if I come will fly to Birmingham and some wonderful old friends have said they'd pick me up!
    Best wishes to you all from


  17. John, I thought I had informed you that I had 2 rooms booked for next year.
    If you did not get the message I appologise.
    John M

  18. Hi Don,
    Pleased to hear you enjoyed your holiday and we hope you will be-able to make next June .
    Keith Shaw

  19. Hi John please dont jive up i know i hve not been on site lately but i do look in most days ,although its not an excuse, i have been very busy , i ma told that 3hr on line is to much., try doing your family tree and it gets abit involved sorry
    john (jp)

  20. As you know John both sites are under subscribed .A few of us on the other one have tried continuously to raise subjects for comment ,but all to no avail. As you say, perhaps one or both sites should be closed down and then those who wish to keep in contact with each other may do so on some other medium. That would be a great pity and I hope that it doesn't happen,but unless more members contribute I don't see the few propping up either site.

  21. John M I have you down on the list as posted on the BB,
    Paddy, I agree with what you say and I would not like to think that we would have to close down any site because of the lack of members not contributing, as you also say the other two sites seem to have the same problem with the same members posting on a daily basis. for my part I sincerely hope that it does not get to the stage where we will need to amalgamate with the Eagle 105 BB and we can both keep our own indentity.
    Welcome back Don I hope that you are now feeling refreshed after your break, and that you will be able to make the reunion.
    To all other members that have posted on this subject I will carry on until either I can no longer carry out the task to members satifaction or I am demoted by a referendum by the members, but thank you all for your support at this time.

    John Atkins

  22. Hi John.
    Sorry for absence from B B but my comp has had lots of problems lately and I have only just got it back in working order. All being well my wife and I will be attendig reunion so if there are any cancellations I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
    All the best
    John Kelly.

  23. I am pleased to see that we have had a good response and got some good posts going, a lot of the gentlemen that most members are talking about I have never met myself, but then again Asqn were always sent else where away from the regiment or it was before or after my time in the regiment.

    John Atkins

  24. A ll being well we shall be setting off for Egypt early wed morn 1week on the Nile and second week in hurghada. We should have gone last feb but it was cancelled because of the troubles. Its a belated golden wedding gift from our 3 daughters and 11 grandchildren. I met my wife when I was attached to Sharpshooters in 1959 and got married in Sep 1960. Will let you know what it is like when we return.
    John Kelly

  25. A ll being well we shall be setting off for Egypt early wed morn 1week on the Nile and second week in hurghada. We should have gone last feb but it was cancelled because of the troubles. Its a belated golden wedding gift from our 3 daughters and 11 grandchildren. I met my wife when I was attached to Sharpshooters in 1959 and got married in Sep 1960. Will let you know what it is like when we return.
    John Kelly

  26. A ll being well we shall be setting off for Egypt early wed morn 1week on the Nile and second week in hurghada. We should have gone last feb but it was cancelled because of the troubles. Its a belated golden wedding gift from our 3 daughters and 11 grandchildren. I met my wife when I was attached to Sharpshooters in 1959 and got married in Sep 1960. Will let you know what it is like when we return.
    John Kelly

  27. Hallo - hallo - hallo - someones been celebrating a trip to Egypt and got the hiccups - John,keep away from Fayid as you might meet some results of a bit behind the open air cinema(no names - no packdrill!)Just stick to the Pyramids and the valley of Kings.Have a great time.

  28. All I do is show my inability to master the computer.\Ihave no idea why it casme up 3 times. I wish the same thing happenad when I order my pint.I mastered the 19 set in the alloted time on wireless course but somehow sat here on my own I dont seem to be able to pass on the comp.

  29. Don't worry about it John,the main thing is you get on the air to us!

  30. Hi John
    I will be there if I can get a bed , And I am still with the BB


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