Sunday, 25 September 2011


I am putting this Birthday greeting up early for our oldest member I believe, Mr Ron Darling, wishing you many happy returns of the day for Tuesday Ron hoping you have a great day with all the other gentlemen and ladies of the Chelsea Pensioners.

 With all best wishes

 John Atkins


  1. Happy birthday RON i am sure you will have a good one with all those ladies and gentlemen ,and have a big slice of cake

  2. Happy Birthday Ron and have a good "Queen's" on me ( that means what's left of the Royal Navy Rum for you pongoes). Terry & I are looking forward to our annual get together & reunion on the 29th Oct, which of course is the start of the Poppy Appeal so bring plenty of money with you as I will be on duty too !!!!!

  3. A Very Happy Birthday For Tuesday Ron,

  4. Many Happy Returns of tomorrow Ron - don't need to ask if you're gonna have a great day!

  5. Happy birthday Ron do have a great day ,you deserve it after puting up with me as a young soldier. so drink up and be merry. good luck
    John (jp)

  6. Happy birthday Ron,and many more of em`.Ken&Jen.

  7. Happy Birthay Ron , Buying a round where you are is going to cost you but think of the Joy
    Many Mor


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