Monday, 26 September 2011

Brass Chevron


  1. This is the Chevron that was worn by me in Aden.

    John Atkins

  2. Right, O.K. A Posh one with bubbles on? Now I understand (didn't serve in Aden). I'm sure the ones issued in Malaya were made from flat brass plate. John, shouldn't you have handed your chevron in when you left?

  3. I did'nt hand it in I thought I would keep it as a souvenir Stan, I do not remember anyone asking for it back.
    John Atkins

  4. I very nearly had one , I did not want to go to Cyprus If I had who Knows

  5. Ah yes - the first step up the ladder,I do remember though when I first joined the Regt L/Cpls were next to God - and you put your heels together when addressing one!!!!!

  6. I had one at Wolfenbuttel, but the one illustrated looks superior quality. Ours were just plain brass strip. Sadly, I couldn't find the Field Marshall's baton in my knapsack, along with the elastic braces the SQMS didn't issue me with.

  7. Things have changed Don since your day, from what I have seen and heard rank doe's not seem to be like it was in the fifties.

    John Atkins

  8. My guess is the ending of National Service changed everything.

  9. I think you are right there Stan.

    John Atkins

  10. ... attitudes have changed too John. My step-son's just taken a driving job ferrying cars around the West Midlands on a low loader for a PLC company. I asked him what happened to the previous driver and he said he got the sack because he'd never taken a driving test and didn't have a driving licence. Apparently, this only came to light when he got stopped on the M5 by weights & measures people. And he got the job through an agency! The mind boggles - people just don't give a S*** these days.


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