Monday, 22 August 2011

Welcome to Derek Hansford to the BB

May we all welcome Derek Hansford to the Bulletin Board his ID is (hankhansford) Derek doe's not have a computer so everything will be through his son, Derek served from 1959 - 1961 in CSqn, maybe we will hear from him soon and hope that he has a few photo's from his time in the Regiment.

 John Atkins 


  1. Hi Hank
    are you still in the norton sub hamdon area have photo of you on beach at shuqra think it was the convoy when jack of diamonds had to drive himself because you were still pissed all thge best jeff

  2. Welcome to the BB Derek hope you enjoy it
    regards derek leese

  3. well welcome hope we get to hear that which we have forgotten

  4. And welcome from me too,hope we hear from you often via your son!

  5. Welcome Hank. Know the name, lets see the face.
    Jeff -- Put that photo up.
    Regards Doug.

  6. Hi Hank welcome to the B B have a good look around then tell us a lot more about your self, you must have some stories to tell
    john (jp)


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