Friday, 12 August 2011

Moving House

Hi everyone,

Matthew and I have a last moved to Andover with out to many hitches. Although we have Lost Smudge our little Black and white Cat. The rest of the sons are still in and around Warminster.

My e-mail address has remained the same for now but all phone nos altered due to silly calls.Annoying as I knew the mobile off by heart now i have to learn a new one. Neighbours friendly and helpful if slightly noisey. But it is end of terrace and all houses quite close together so one has to expect more noise, helene


  1. Hope you settle okay in Andover,we have memories of Andover from our times at Tidworth.Maybe that little cat will find his way home yet?
    Best wishes


  2. Helene,
    I have had new neighbours with twins that are nearly two and all they do all day is scream, they never go outside to play the mother is twenty and just had a baby boy, the wife has said if they carry on screaming at night she will turn the tele up that load they will hear it in their house as she is getting fed up with it. I hope that you will enjoy your new home and as Don said the cat will maybe find his way home.

    John Atkins.

  3. Hi Helene as don said i hope you settle in ok i think all us older ones have some very fond memories of Andovers but thats another story, any way good luck in your new home all the best

  4. Hope the move went well Helene,and you will be happy when settled in.Edith still has nightmares of moving quarters,even though our last move is 20years behind us.
    Best wishes


  5. When we moved to the Midlands I went to a lot of trouble to find a property that wasn't near a main road so that our pets wouldn’t get run over. Suffice to say we found a property in a nice quite cul-de-sac, albeit on a hill and duly moved in. While going to work one morning I found our long haired Burmese cat dead in the middle of the street. The following morning I got up extra early and watched all those vehicles driving past our house and was staggered to learn that nearly all of those at the top of the hill didn't start their engines but merely coasted down the cul-de-sac. Obviously the cat didn't stand a chance as it wouldn't hear any vehicles until it was too late. So I guess the morale of my "Moving" story is "things aint always what they seem" well not as far as my quite cul-de-sac theory went anyway. Good luck with the move Helene and one final piece of advice; as a new kid on the block, keep you head down a little while longer.

  6. Yes I am keeping myself quitely in my own little corner , just leave the kids to scream and shout and if Ihear my dogs bark when they are in the kennel i shout them to stop which they do, but another dog about three doors down barks on and off all day long . So I hope they don't pick up the bad habit. I am still sorting boxes , but keep having short spells at that so Idon't throw away any thing important.


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