Monday, 8 August 2011

B/Sqn 1st troop. One for Tom Smith, Tom how many can you name or remember !!


  1. Ye Gods Fred ,This is a battle of witsI can name most I think,Derek Short,Pete LawrenceGeordie(Buddah) Danny Cokeyne (sorry if spelling wrong ) You Curtis , Smith,Rielly..
    How did I do ,Tom

  2. You done well Tom, You missed one out Phil Hayward opposite me next to Danny ..

  3. Good Morning Fred,
    My appologies to Phil Hayward I knew the face but I was quite pleased that I managed to remembered as many as I did , Could you enlighten me on a thought that i have had " did Phil try out for Helicopters whilst we were in Detmold," All the best , Tom

  4. Tom,I believe he did , Why dont you ask him yourself he's on the B/B,

  5. Right again Fred, managed to get my fixed wing licence ok (still had it for many years and took a commission in the RAF to teach cadets when I was a civilian) , but I was obviously to dippy for the choppers!


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