Wednesday, 31 August 2011
My Career
Monday, 22 August 2011
Welcome to Derek Hansford to the BB
May we all welcome Derek Hansford to the Bulletin Board his ID is (hankhansford) Derek doe's not have a computer so everything will be through his son, Derek served from 1959 - 1961 in CSqn, maybe we will hear from him soon and hope that he has a few photo's from his time in the Regiment.
John Atkins
Sammy Simpson at home
Hiya people. Here are a couple of snaps I took when i visited Sammy on 11th Aug 2011 at his lovely home in Paignton, devon. We had a great time recalling memories of Detmold and after.
Fruitfull Times (Scrumping)
When my wife Joan and I travel along country lanes in our area, we always map out the fruit trees at the side of the road. We then know the best trees to pick the apples/pears.
Driving home yesterday, thru! the estate near us we glanced across to the childrens play area. There is a small copse just on the edge. In the copse we found two of the most bountifull apple trees ever. Juicy big red and green apples.
We picked some off both trees, took them home. Joan made some pastry and baked 2 apple pies. 1 for tea with custard, the other in the freezer.
Tomorrow we will pick more and have apple crumble with custard, Mmmm. Yum Yum.
Best Regards Doug
Friday, 19 August 2011
Many happy returns of the day to Terry Lyons for today the 19th, sorry it is a bit belated but have been awol for a few days and none of my assistants have put up the message for me, hope that you have had a good one.
Best wishes
John Atkins
1st The Royal Dragoons memorabilia
Friday, 12 August 2011
Knee op
Moving House
Hi everyone,
Matthew and I have a last moved to Andover with out to many hitches. Although we have Lost Smudge our little Black and white Cat. The rest of the sons are still in and around Warminster.
My e-mail address has remained the same for now but all phone nos altered due to silly calls.Annoying as I knew the mobile off by heart now i have to learn a new one. Neighbours friendly and helpful if slightly noisey. But it is end of terrace and all houses quite close together so one has to expect more noise, helene
Monday, 8 August 2011
Sunday, 7 August 2011
regards derek leese
Saturday, 6 August 2011
The Manhatton Dolls
What did you do this weekend Dad....?
Spent the weekend at a Great WWII event in Natik, Massachusetts, USA
Check the vidio section, we were entertained by The Manhatton Dolls.
Having a BrenGun Carrier has its compensations.......
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
HAD A PINT...............
Monday, 1 August 2011
Nobby Evans ( Dad )
Thank you to everyone who turned up for dad's funeral and it was very nice to meet some of his old friends from his army days, these are just a few memories of dad that will live on with us for ever 'Lest We Forget' RIP dad...