Sunday, 20 February 2011

NMA service

I have been informed that the Royal Horse Guards will be holding a service at the NMA on the same day in June for their 350th, there will be around twenty five attending including two trumpeters, I do not see that there will be any problem with it.

John Atkins


  1. No Probs. John. We may meet up with old friends.

    Regards. Doug.

  2. cant see any problem John lets all have a good time
    regards derek leese

  3. As Derek say's Lets all have a great time and it would be good if it was a sunny day.

    Regards Keith Shaw.

  4. I do not have a problem with it as it is a Blues and Royals Site.

    John Atkins

  5. The BLUES will be taking part of our in service..
    Please note the Service will START at 1030 Hrs....
    The Rev Anne Taylor will be taking it all being well,she has put in for a day of WOK so she could do it for us.

  6. Thanks for letting us know Brian, was hoping that she will be able to do it this year.

    John Atkins

  7. Put that Bottle away Brian ,its gettin late.
    Paddy H


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