Saturday, 6 February 2010

Anyone know the whereabouts of these two gentlemen

Now I’m retired and time on my hands I have started having a clear out. I have come across 2 old letters from army friends of Jim’s. I was wondering if you would put them onto The site as I am not very sure of doing this. 1 is from a 6808 Cpl McLaren CD (Doug), and the address on the letter is HQ Sqn Royal Dragoons Hobart Bks BFPO (not sure) 41 or 61. The 2nd is 23955092 Tpr Moon, Q.M. Group, HQ Sqn, Royals, BFPO 41. (I now think that the 1st must be 41). The 2nd letter was written on 31.5.65. His first name is Bob and he talks about Micky Wilson, Paddy Snell & Frank Hendrey. I hope this is making sense and that you will be able to do this for me. It would be good if they could get to the reunion and a surprise for Jim, this was sent to me by Jim's wife asking if I would put it up on the BB for her, any help I am sure would be appreciated.


  1. I'm not sure but I think Micky Wilson might have been in Borneo with Tony Boon.

  2. all the names ring a bell but have not heard of them for years

  3. I think Don said Dave McLaren was working in or near the old Bks in Germany
    If your reading this Mr Renfrey

  4. I am sure Tpr Moon (can't remember his christian name) is now in Australia. Fred Collingwood is the man to confirm this. I remember playing along with him and Fred, for the Royals football team in the mid 60's.

  5. Been racking my brains for the last few minutes. Sure his name was Bob Moon.

  6. Indeed it was Bob Moon, i think Albert Finney may have mentioned him to me somewhile ago and someone had heard of his where abouts,I dont think it was OZ.

  7. Thank you so much for the attention taken on the subject of Jim's letters. Hopefully someone will see the names and who knows what the outcome. Here's keeping my fingers crossed.

  8. Hope you get the info you need.Can't recall Mike anything on Dave Mclaren,will look in the telephone book!Missed out looking in here yesterday,but we went out for lunch,had a wacking great Wienber Schnitzel with Pommes and Salad,so full could not manage the sweet!Hope you all had an entertaining weekend.Weather here still like Siberia,looking at the sky the next snow shovel session is on thr cards.

  9. Hi Guys I spoke to Ray Borely and he had caught up with Bobby Moon Although Bob was out of the country lives in Southend I believe,Dave Mclaren Had a very good right hand i seem to remember when he hit me in the stair well at A sqn Ex whaler friend of Paddy Odwyer and Jim Aitchenson.
    Your right about Micky Wilson went to Borneo with Fred Murhy and Tony Boon Army Air Corps.Bob Moon was a good mate of Roger Scott.He Knocked Terry Neafsy out with one punch in the ring.Good Footballer.

  10. Spud Murphy told me that sadly Paddy Schnell who was his best man was living on the streets last time he saw him.Apparently very angry and the worse for where


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